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Q: Oxygen is absorbed through the stomata in plant cells true or false?
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How does CO2 get to the leaf?

(brooke,13) water is soaked up through roots & carbon dioxide is just absorbed Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the following process. There is a spongy mesophyll, a loose tissue with many air spaces between its cells. These air spaces connect with the extrerior through stomata porelike openings in the underside of the leaf that allow carbon dioxide and oxygen to diffuse into and out of the leaf.

Does water enters the plant through stomata?

The cells that regulate how much air and water pass through the stomata are called guard cells.

What is the role of a stomata and guard cells?

Through the stomata carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant and oxygen and water vapor diffuse out of the plant. Guard cells control the opening and closing of the stomata. Used in arid climates to control water loss for instance.

State the function of the structures called stomata that are present in leaf epidermis?

The leaf surface has many tiny apertures called stomata. During respiration oxygen from the atmosphere diffuses into the stomata and then into the cells of the leaf. When carbon dioxide concentration in the cells increases, the stomata opens and releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

How carbon dioxide enter the leaves?


Which gases will be exchanged in the stomata?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide. (O2) and (CO2)

How do roots of plants get oxygen needed by them for breathing?

Plants respire through tiny openings or holes called stomata that are present on the underside of the leaves. Stomata trap air (like oxygen) and the exchange of gases takes place in side the plant cells.

How oxygen and carbon dioxide enter and leave cells?

carbon dioxide goes into pores in the under surface of the leaf, called stomata, and diffuse into the leafs tissues and oxygen exits through these pores aswell though this cannot happen when the stomata close up

Through which structure do carbon dioxide and water enter plants?

stomata which are tiny spots on the underside of the leaf

How do gases enter and escape from leaves?

Gases enter and exit a leaf through stomata. These are openings in the epidermis which are regulated by guard cells. Guard cells decide which gases can go in and out. The gas that goes in is carbon dioxide and the gas that goes out it oxygen.

Where does gas get exchanged in the circulatory system?

In lungs where carbon dioxide is released and oxygen absorbed and in cells where oxygen is given to cells and carbon dioxide is absorbed by blood.

How does carbon dioxide and water reach the chloroplast in leaves?

The chloroplasts in the leaves absorb the light directly from the sun. The carbon dioxide goes into the leaves through the stomata (tiny holes on the bottom of a leaf) and is diffused through the rest of the cells. The water is absorbed by the roots then carried by the xylem up to the leaf and the cells in the leaf.