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Well i guess its depends on the parent. Some control to much, others not enough.

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Q: Parents exercise too much control on teenagers?
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Why do growing teenagers need to exercise?

Growing teenagers OBVIOUSLY have to exercise, because their body is growing, and to help their body grow, they need to exercise. To get their muscles strong and growing, and stretch, etc. Some good sports to try are jumproping, soccer, football, tennis, pickleball, basketball, and much more! So it is VERY important that growing teenagers need to exercise. It also helps them grow, like taller, and benefits them, so they can live a LONG healthy and happy life.

Why is it that parents never let teens be teens?

I think that the fact is the opposite of this ! I believe there is too much freedom for teenagers and this is causing disrespect towards adults and parents alike.

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By keeping close track of what & how much you eat and drink, and how much exercise you're getting.

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Most teenagers rebel against their parents in some form or another. It is a normal part of growing up. However rebelling too much or in the wrong way, could land you in trouble.

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Everyone, no matter their age, should have at least 30 minutes of mild-intensity exercise every day. However, that is the bare minimum. Most fitness experts recommend 1-2 hours of exercise a day, 3-5 times a week.

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Much the same as US teenagers.

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Is it true exercise helps control our weight by burning calories?

Yes, but you need to remember that it's a HELP only. Exercise does burn calories, but not as fast as it is eating them. Eat too much, and no amount of exercise can keep you from getting fat.

How much exercising per day do teenagers need to do?

It really depends on the genes in your family but for an average teen dieticians recommend 30 minutes of exercise and eating healthy. LOTS of veggies and fruits.

How much drinking is related to peer pressure?

Teenagers are very influenced by peer pressure to drink in excess. It is a form of socializing and sometimes the amount of alchohol can get out of control.