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Parents who speak politely to others are teaching their children to be polite, by example.

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Does homeschooling teach discipline?

Because homeschooling is between the parents and the children, discipline is enforced by the parents. It is wrong to ask whether homeschooling teaches discipline, because that depends on the parents. Some parents prefer to have regimented school days, others prefer a more relaxed style of teaching and learning.

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politely and respectfully

Do parents love their children?

Some do love their children but some others might send to orphanages.

What values you would like to inculcate in your child?

The values that most parents would like to inculcate in their child would include honesty, respect for others, the ability to share and take turns and to be mindful of the feelings of others. Some other values that parents would like to instill in their children would be kindness, good manners and teaching right from wrong.

What value would you like to inculcate to your child?

The values that most parents would like to inculcate in their child would include honesty, respect for others, the ability to share and take turns and to be mindful of the feelings of others. Some other values that parents would like to instill in their children would be kindness, good manners and teaching right from wrong.

Why does Parsons brag about his children?

Parsons brags about his children because he sees them as achievements that reflect his own success as a parent. He might also feel proud of their accomplishments and want to share that pride with others. Bragging about one's children can be a way for parents to seek validation and recognition.

What is social control of children in a family?

Social control of children in a family refers to the rules, norms, and expectations that parents or caregivers enforce to guide the behavior of their children. This can involve setting boundaries, providing discipline, and teaching values to help children learn how to interact with others and navigate society. Effective social control helps children develop self-discipline, empathy, and respect for authority.

Is it okay to be with someone just because you got kids together?

Only if the kids benefit by you being together. If the relationship between the adults is abusive or otherwise unhealthy then by staying together you are teaching the kids it is normal to be abused or abusive. If the relationship is healthy and caring you are teaching your kids to be caring. If the relationship is hurtful and cruel, you are teaching your children it is normal and OK to be hurtful and cruel. If the relationship is respectful and kind you are teaching your children to be respectful and respected and kind. Parents seem to forget what happens in the home, is their young children's whole world. What the children see in the home is the way the children see the world. The way the children are treated in the home, is the way they expect to be treated by the world and is the way they will treat others when they go out into the world.

Do you think Parents buy what their children want?

Some do, others do not. It depends on how they are bringing their child up.

Why do parents sell their children?

In poor countries some parents who are living in poverty sell their children into slavery so they get some money and goods to keep themselves alive. Though others sell their children to give he/she a better future

How to Teach Kids to Lead by Examples?

Teaching children to lead by example is an essential aspect of their development. By demonstrating positive behavior and setting a good example, parents can help their children develop important character traits such as responsibility, empathy, honesty, and respect for others. In this article, we will explore some practical ways parents can teach their kids to lead by example. 1 - Model positive behavior 2 - Encourage self-reflection 3 - Praise positive behavior 4 - Discuss values and morals 5 - Set clear expectations 6 - Discuss the consequences 7 - Teach problem-solving skills 8 - Encourage empathy 9 - Provide opportunities to lead 1 - Model positive behavior Parents must model the behavior they want to see in their children. Children learn by observing their parents, so it's essential to model positive behavior in daily life. For example, if you want your children to be honest, you should be truthful with them and avoid lying. Similarly, if you want your children to be respectful, you should show respect to others, including your spouse, friends, and family. 2 - Encourage self-reflection Teaching children to lead by example requires self-reflection. Parents can encourage self-reflection by asking their children to think about their actions and how they impact others. Encouraging self-reflection helps children become more aware of their behavior and its impact on others. It also helps children develop self-awareness and empathy, which are important character traits. 3 - Praise positive behavior Praising positive behavior is a great way to reinforce good habits in children. When children lead by example, parents should praise them and acknowledge their efforts. Positive reinforcement encourages children to continue their positive behavior and helps build their self-esteem. 4 - Discuss values and morals Parents can teach children to lead by example by discussing values and morals. Talking about values and morals helps children understand what is expected of them and what kind of behavior is acceptable. For example, parents can discuss the importance of honesty, respect for others, and responsibility. Discussing values and morals also helps children develop critical thinking skills and a sense of ethics. 5 - Set clear expectations Parents should set clear expectations for their children regarding behavior and lead by example. For example, parents can set expectations for honesty, respect, and responsibility. Setting clear expectations helps children understand what is expected of them and provides a framework for positive behavior. 6 - Discuss the consequences Children should also be taught about the consequences of their behavior. Parents can discuss the impact of their actions on others and the consequences that may result from negative behavior. Discussing consequences helps children understand that their actions have a real impact on others and encourages them to make responsible choices. 7 - Teach problem-solving skills Teaching children problem-solving skills is an important aspect of leading by example. Children who learn problem-solving skills are better equipped to deal with challenges and make responsible choices. Parents can teach problem-solving skills by encouraging their children to think critically and creatively to find solutions to problems. 8 - Encourage empathy Empathy is an essential character trait that helps children understand and connect with others. Parents can encourage empathy by helping their children understand and consider other people's feelings. Encouraging empathy also helps children develop social skills and emotional intelligence, which are essential for leading by example. 9 - Provide opportunities to lead Parents can provide opportunities for their children to lead by example. For example, parents can encourage their children to take on leadership roles in school or community organizations. Providing opportunities to lead helps children develop self-confidence and provides a platform for them to practice positive behavior. In conclusion, teaching children to lead by example is an important aspect of their development. By modeling positive behavior, encouraging self-reflection, praising positive behavior, discussing values and morals, setting clear expectations, discussing consequences, teaching problem-solving skills, encouraging empathy, and providing opportunities to lead, parents can help their children become responsible and empathetic adults. By taking a proactive approach to teach children to lead by example, parents can help build a strong foundation for their children's future success and happiness.

Who are Cyclopes' parents?

Some of the cyclops were the children of the Titans Uranus and Gaea. Others were the sons of Posideon and Thoosa.