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Q: Parliament should have had the right to tax all the people under british rule?
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why did colonists feel that the british parliament overstepped its bounds with the stamp act?

The colonists felt that the British government had no right to tax them because there were not any representatives of the colonies in the British Parliament. The colonies had no say in how much the taxes should be or what they should pay for. They didn't think this was fair.

What was the colonist' main objection to the British Parliament's policies on taxation?

The colonists thought Parliament had no right to tax them directly.

What was the colonist main objection To the british parliament policies on taxation?

The colonists thought Parliament had no right to tax them directly.

What was the colonists main objection to the British parliament's policies on taxation?

The colonists thought Parliament had no right to tax them directly.

What was the colonists biggest objection to paying taxes to British government?

They did not elect members to Parliament and so believed Parliament had no right to tax them.

What was the colonists' biggest objection to paying taxes to the British government?

They did not elect members to Parliament and so believed Parliament had no right to tax them.

How did the Europeans positively change Alberta?

I think they made the influenced the British parliament. right?

What kind of representation did the colonist want in the parliament?

because they had no right in government what so ever. Only the British could choose laws, pass them, and only British people were aloud to become Representatives after the Boston tea party. To be fair most British people weren't represented in parliament either. Parliament was restricted to the upperclasses, even the so called Great Reform Act of 1832 only gave very limited voting rights to the British people. Taxation without representation was as much a complaint within Britain as it was in British colonies. Look up things like Peterloo.

The british parliament was justified or right in taxing the colonists why or why not?

Typit was justiofield because i say so

When the British Parliament repealed the Stamp Act but reaffirmed its right to tax the colonists what was the result?


When the British Parliament repealed the Stamp Act but simultaneous reaffirmed its right to tax the colonists what was the result?
