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the larynx

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Q: Part of throat that closes airway to prevent choking?
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What are the three most common causes of airway obstruction?

Anaphylactic shock Foreign object in throat Choking on unchewed food Asthma

What are the statistics for people who have died of choking in the US in 2008?

Choking and the Heimlich ManeuverChoking, which is caused by food or another foreign object becoming lodged in the throat, or airway, accounts for nearly 4,600 deaths each year.

What kind or type of injury or emergency is the Heimlich Maneuver used for?

It is used when a person is choking on food or a swallowed object, which is blocking the airway to the lungs. The Heimlich compression is an effort to dislodge and regurgitate the food or other object from the throat.

What is a UPPP?

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)-- An operation to remove excess tissue at the back of the throat to prevent it from closing off the airway during sleep.

What could happen from grape juice going wrong pipe and me coughing and choking?

Grape juice or anything for that matter will cause choking if going down the air pipe of the throat. The results are minor to nothing. This is dependent on how much grape juice went down the airway.

Who developed the universal sign of choking?

clutching the throat

How might choking occur?

Choking occurs when a piece of food or some other object gets stuck in the airway. Chicken, fish bones, and pieces of meat that have not been chewed properly get stuck in the throat easily. If you have been drinking alochol, you risk of choking is even greater because you may have been careless about chewing food well. Thanks for asking.

What can obstruct the airway in a cardic arrest?

An obstruction of the upper airway involves the blockage of the airway in the throat, trachea (airway going to the lungs) or the voice box. Multiple things can cause upper airway obstruction, such as foreign objects (choking), swelling due to allergic reaction and chemical or heat burns which cause blistering/swelling. Most of the time, people would first think of choking as causing an obstruction of the upper airway, even though there are a variety of causes.

what will cause choking?

When an object or liquid blocks the throat.

What is part of the body is being blocked when someones choking?


How is air carried into the lungs?

from nose through airway in throat into lungs

How does the gag reflex stop us from choking?

The gag reflex is the throat closing up and trying to force a foreign object down the throat. It is the body's attempt to stop choking by clearing the object out of the vital area.