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Usually countries won't let you in if your passport is valid for less time than your legal stay in that country. i.e: You are going to Poland, where they will give you a 3-month visa at entry. If your passport is only valid for two months they won't let you in (and possibly send you back to where you came from)

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Q: Passport expires while I'm traveling
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Can you travel to Mexico if your passport will expire 3 weeks from the date your going Im going to Mexico from March 31-April 3rd. My passport expires on April 23rd?

yes. it hasnt expired yet.

I have sri lankan passport and im Canadian PR so if i visit to sri lanka i dont need visa for sri lanka but when i come back to canada do i need to show visa or something?

When you are traveling to Sri Lanka, you will need the passport which will have the visa in it.

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In most countries, especially the USA, even if the passport expires, no problem. You can renew the passport or get a fresh one. The visa must be valid and should not be canceled or mutilated or damaged. Only one passport must be valid. The valid passport and the passport containing the visa - both - should be issued by the same country. Most countries have the same rule as above.

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yes. you will need a passport to visit Okinawa, Japan if you are traveling from the United states. if you plan to stay upwards of 90 days in Okinawa or Japan in general, you will need to get a travel Visa. if you plan to work while you are there you need a visa for that as well ( im not sure if work visa's can count as travel visa's as well).

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ayy im vip and i no a meez code that never expires it is bust_it_baby and it dosent expires you welcome>

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i dont know . im wondering that myself. did you find out?

When does your NYS inspection expire?

When it says so IM NOT KIDDING Actually, it expires at the end of the month that it is punched for. So, if it is punched MARCH, it expires the end of that month!!

Newest code for meez?

Ilovecoinz - EXPIRED//Edit: OneWeekLeft it expires today :P also ilovelucy09 never expires i don't think. PS add me im silverstuff19

Im from Northern Ireland Is it ok for my baby daughter to have an Irish passport if mine mother is a British passport?

Yes, anyone from Northern Ireland or Ireland can get an Irish Passport.

Do you need a passport to travel from Scotland to Ireland?

yes you do im Irish

Im going on holiday to New Zealand. Can you use my English drivers licence to get into a New Zealand bar or club?

I believe you can, but I wouldn't count on it. If you are traveling abroad you should carry your passport with you. New Zealand is very tourist savvy and will recognize your passport more easily than a foreign ID card. You can also get an international drivers license that should work the same way. Although much of that is not needed as I was never "carded" once while I was there, they are not as particular about it as they are in some countries.

do i need a passport to go the northen ireland (im in england) and do i need a parent (im 15)?
