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That is called an orbit.

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Q: Paths in which objects travel around the sun?
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How do objects travel around the sun?

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Who gathered the data that showed that the planets travel in elliptical paths around the sun?

Tycho Brahe.

What objects travel in elongated cigar-shaped paths around the Sun?

Long-period comets such as Halley's Comet have elliptical orbits that stretch billions of miles out of the solar system and back again. Other comets have hyperbolic orbits that bring them close once but never again, or at least not for many millions of years.

What direction do the objects in the solar system travel around the sun?

in the right way

Does the sun travel around the sun or do planets travel around the sun?

The planets orbit (travel) around the Sun.

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Does the sun travel around the planets or do the planets travel around the sun?

The planets travel around the sun.

What objects that travel around the sun?

There are many objects that orbit the sun: Planets (and all of their moons, totaling more than 61), the asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and other rocks and gas.

Do all the objects in the solar system travel around the Sun in one year?

No, some go around the sun in over 60 earth years some less.

What paths do planets revolve around the sun with?


What would happen if the suns gravity did not pull the planets tword it?

The planets would no longer follow their orbital paths around the Sun. They would move away from the Sun and travel in straight lines.