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If it is something with the leg, strech the leg as far as it will comfertably go, then if the foot starts to curl up... the bone is not broken. If it it is in the wing, strech the wing, then run your finger along the main bone to feel if there are any brakes.

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Q: People that know budgies Is my budgie hurt?
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How do you know the sex of a budgie?

Female budgies have a brown beak. Male budgies have a blue beak

How big can budgies get?

it is the Australian budgie which is the biggest of the budgies but i do not know how big it can grow to but it is pretty big

Why does budgie have a fat neck?

to be exact a budgie doesnt actually have a nek because their head is attached to their body. but budgies do have a neck bone which allows them to look around at an 270 degree angle as their eyes are on the side of its head,so physicly a budgie does have neck it is just not visible. thank you for reading...... ;-p (plz dnt report thhis for anythin stoopid cause i only 12 and know alot bout budgies)

What is the size of a budgie?

When standing up a budgie can be around 19cm from head to tail and when slouching they can be around 9 cm from head to tail* *when slouching tail is in line with feet. I know this because i have a pet budgie and I measured him.

I have 2 linnies and a budgie and the linnies fight with the budgie the linnies are a guy and a girl and the budgie is a girl I want to know how to keep them together and I got the budgie 2 weeks ago?

Very few parrots will live together as groups of the same species - lovebirds, cockateils and budgies and a very few others are exceptions. Essentially no two species will live together happily long-term. There are always exceptions, but they are the general rules.

Can a budgie have seizures?

Can budgies have seizures? Yes, budgies can have seizures. If they stay down at the bottom of the cage with their food and water you know that your budgie is about to have a seizure. It is a unusual behaviour for a pet budgie to stay down at the bottom of the cage. If it happens quickly give your pet budgie a cold bath!!! PS: hope your budgie lives a happy life!

How do you know when you is on your period?

Budgies are birds, not mammals. They do not have the same kind of reproductive cycle as mammals. Budgies do not menstruate or have periods. It's not like having an un-spayed female dog or cat that goes into heat occasionally.Wild budgies are what are called opportunistic breeders. They will seek a mate whenever there are enough resources to support offspring. In captivity, a properly cared for budgie will always feel that she has enough resources to have babies. This is why it is important not to house budgies of different sexes together unless you are prepared for the possibility of chicks.Even without being housed with males, a female budgie will sometimes produce an (unfertilized) egg. Budgies don't have the same genetics or diet as domestic chickens, and excessive egg laying can cause serious health problems including calcium deficiency and egg-binding. You should consult an avian veterinarian for more information about budgie reproduction.

Do only male budgies have blue on their beaks?

my budgie is female. its better to get a male because they're more friendly and they are more likely to talk. To tell them apart older males have dark blue ceres and females have pinkish brown ceres young males have light purplish ceres and young females have light blue ceres with white rings around the flares(nostrils)

How do you know if your budgie is in love?

You can tell if your budgies are in love if the kiss (they would open their beaks and you'll see their tongues touch and stuff), they would preen each others head, go on top of each other and... make a baby :P My budgies kissed and preened each others head a lot!

How can you make your budgie pet tamed?

You will notice that your budgie will be scared of your hand at first. To fix these problems, follow these simple instructions. Step one: Try some millet spray. Hold the millet spray in your hand and slowly move your hand closer to your budgie. While your doing that, talk to your budgie in a quiet and gentle voice. You will see that your budgie will move closer to your hand and trust you more. Step two: Once your budgie is on your hand, try petting it gently. Most budgies like it when rub its chest with your finger. Pairs of budgies to this all the time. This is called "preening". Now that you know these two steps you can care for your budgie well. *Remember, never force your pet to be tamed. It takes time and patience.

Why does your budgie have a lump on his chest?

Budgies are very susceptible to fatty tumors, especially if they are fed a seed-only diet. Some fatty tumors are harmless, but some are not. Your vet can make that determination, it's not something that can be figured out over the internet.

How much do budgies cost?

Probably depends on where live or you buy them. They are $8.95 in Nevada.