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one name for them is Nomads .

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These people are referred to as nomads. They traditionally live in temporary settlements and follow a pattern of seasonal movement to find food and pasture for their livestock. Nomadic lifestyles are common among various indigenous cultures around the world.

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Q: People who move from place to place to place to find food and pasture land?
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Where did prehistoric people get their food?

they got their food by hunting animals and by finding plants around the place. if your looking for this question i think your in 6th grade are you?

What is the difference between hunter-gatherers and pastoral nomads?

Hunter-gatherers rely on foraging and hunting wild animals for food, while pastoral nomads raise livestock for sustenance and migration. Hunter-gatherers move frequently in search of food, while pastoral nomads follow a seasonal migration pattern to find fresh pasture for their livestock.

What is the difference between nomadic man and settled man?

The main difference between nomadic and settled individuals is their lifestyle. Nomadic people move from place to place in search of resources, while settled people live in one location permanently. This difference impacts aspects such as housing, social structure, and cultural practices.

What are hunter gatherers?

Hunter-gatherers are people who rely on hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants for food as their primary means of sustenance. They typically do not engage in agriculture and live in small, nomadic groups. Hunter-gatherer societies have been present throughout human history and have diverse cultural practices.

Why did hunter-gatherers travel from place to place?

Hunter-gatherers traveled from place to place in search of food and resources. By moving to new areas, they were able to follow animal migrations, gather seasonal plants, and exploit different environments for their survival. Movement also helped prevent overexploitation of resources in one area.

Related questions

What are people called who move place to place with the seasons?

People who move from place to place with the seasons are called nomads. Nomadic lifestyles are often characterized by moving in search of food, water, and pasture for livestock.

Why do wildebeest have to keep moving as they graze?

They move to find food. Living in vast herds, they soon use up all the food available in any one spot - therefore - they have to move to new pasture on a regular basis. If they didn't move from place to place to find food - they'd starve.

Why did the first people move from place to place R?

The first people on Earth probably moved from place to place in order to find food and shelter. Since they weren't advanced people, they had to go where the food and water was in order to survive.

Why were the subarctic Indians nomads?

Because they had no settled home, they moved from place to place as a way of obtaining food, finding pasture for livestock, or otherwise making a living.

Where is a good place to find food?

Most people find food in grocery stores and supermarkets. Food is available in the natural world as well, but it is not as conveniently packaged.

Why did the early people need to find new food sources?

The early peoples settled in one place and needed to find more food

Why did early people need to find new food sources?

The early peoples settled in one place and needed to find more food

What long word is used to describe people who move from place to place during different seasons to find available food?


What food of the ocean is also called the pasture of the sea?


Where do dolphins find there food?

they live in a place where you can find them

When is a horse able to get food on its own?

Wild and ferel horses always find their own food, moving from place to place in search of better grazing. A domestic horse that is left in pasture will get his own food by grazing. Foals normally start nibling on grass within a few weeks, but they cannot survive on it until they are about 6 months old although a foal may continue nursing until about a year old.

Why did the Stone Age people move from place to place?

Stone Age people moved from place to place in search of food, water, and shelter. They followed the migration patterns of animals for hunting, and seasonal changes for gathering food. Moving also helped them to avoid resource depletion in one area.