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Q: Percent of students cheat in school with cell phones?
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What if students use your cell phones for educational purposes during class will the students be able to use them then?

Well it depends on the teacher. But if you're talking about the rules of school followed or not, I don't think we will be able to use our phones because it enables us in many different ways to cheat.

How do high school students cheat?

you can only cheat in high school if the magical rainbow unicorns tell you to.

Having a cell phone in school?

students can cheat by texting other students

Of 50 students surveyed only 6 percent said they would cheat on a test if they had a chance How many students would cheat if they had a chance?


Could students cheat on a test for school if they use their phone?

If they don't get caught.

Of 50 students surveyed only 6 percent said they would cheat on a test if they had a chance. How many students would cheat if they had a chance?

The fact that 6% said they would cheat if they had a chance does not mean that 6% would actually cheat. Even if I were determined to cheat, I would not admit my intention in a survey.

What are the top 10 reasons why cell phone shouldn't be allowed at school?

People shouldn't have cell phones in school I don't think any student should have the ability to be able to use cell phones in school because they can cause distractions. A couple ways cell phones may cause distractions is people can play games on the phone, watch videos, and make phone calls. Over 87% of people play games and watch videos during school hours. Other reasons people shouldn't be allowed to have cell phones in school is because people can text each other for answers on a quiz or on a test. 73% of students have been caught cheating on a test with a cell phone. Some more reasons I think people shouldn't have cell phones in school is because they can harass each other and cyber bully one another. A percentage of 53% of students bully one another with cell phone. Some students can decide can decide to make a call to their friends to call in a bomb. Only 15% percent of students have called in a bomb each year. Students may also make threats to other people by texting them or calling them. Rumors can be spread with cell phones by texting and calling someone. The final thing you can do with cell phones is invade peoples privacy by recording and taking pictures of what people are doing. Just 20% of students have been caught recording people and taking pictures of people in the bathroom. To sum it up, students shouldn't have cell phones in school because they cause distractions, you can cheat on a test, you can cyber bully one another, and you can invade one another's privacy.

Why are cell phones disruptive during school hours?

Because some of their phones may go off, they can cheat, they can be playing games, and so much more!

Facts on Why electronic device should be allowed in school?

CheatingCell phones make cheating easy. Text messaging to get answers and cell phones with Internet access to look up data gives students a quiet way to cheat. It is more difficult to prove that a student used his cell phone to cheat, so many schools prohibit phones in class.DistractionCell phones that beep or ring create unnecessary distractions from teaching time in class. Laptops allow students to get online during class, which creates distractions for them and the students around them. MP3 players provide another distraction for students.BullyingCyber-bullying, which occurs with the use of the Internet, is easier to get away with and more difficult to control when students are allowed to bring cell phones or laptops to class. Online bullying is just as damaging to students as physical bullying, and electronics facilitate this kind of harassment.Classroom InteractionElectronic devices give students an excuse to refrain from participating in class discussions and interactions. Removing laptops and cell phones from the classroom creates an atmosphere in which students and teachers can communicate without electronic competition.

Why are kids not allowed to have cell phones in school?

bc if you could use the cell phone in school, you would pay attention or you could cheat on anything

What is the effect of cell phones on students?

They get distracted too easy, they cheat, they text during classes, take inappropriate pictures of one another,etc.

Why should phones be alllowed in school?

Because - you're in school to LEARN - not play with your phone !... If your parents need to contact you in school time, they can phone the school to get a message to you. If the school needs to contact your parents - they will have a list of numbers where your parents can be reached.