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template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

class Matrix



using row_type = int[C];

private: // attributes

int m_data[R][C];

public: // construction/assignment

Matrix ();

Matrix (const Matrix& source);

Matrix (Matrix&& source);

Matrix& operator= (const Matrix<R,C>& source);

Matrix& operator= (Matrix<R,C>&& source);

~Matrix () {}

public: // accessors

row_type& row (const size_t index) { return m_data[index]; }

const row_type& row (const size_t index) const { return m_data[index]; }

row_type& operator[] (const size_t index) { return m_data[index]; }

const row_type& operator[] (const size_t index) const { return m_data[index]; }

size_t size() const { return R * C; }

size_t rows() const { return R; }

size_t cols() const { return C; }

public: // operations

Matrix<R,C>& operator+= (const Matrix<R,C>&);

Matrix<R,C>& operator-= (const Matrix<R,C>&);


template<const size_t R, const size_t C>



for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row)

for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col)

m_data[row][col] = 0;


template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

Matrix<R,C>::Matrix(const Matrix<R,C>& source)


for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row)

for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col)

m_data[row][col] = source.m_data[row][col];


template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

Matrix<R,C>::Matrix(Matrix<R,C>&& source)


for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row)

for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col)

m_data[row][col] = std::move (source.m_data[row][col]);


template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator= (const Matrix<R,C>& source)


for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row)

for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col)

m_data[row][col] = source.m_data[row][col];

return *this;


template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator= (Matrix<R,C>&& source)


for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row)

for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col)

m_data[row][col] = std::move (source.m_data[row][col]);

return *this;


template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator+= (const Matrix<R,C>& rhs)


for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row)

for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col)

m_data[row][col] += rhs.m_data[row][col];

return *this;


template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

Matrix<R,C>& Matrix<R,C>::operator-= (const Matrix<R,C>& rhs)


for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row)

for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col)

m_data[row][col] -= rhs.m_data[row][col];

return *this;


template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

Matrix<R,C> operator+ (const Matrix<R,C>& lhs, const Matrix<R,C>& rhs)


Matrix<R,C> sum (lhs);

return sum += rhs;


template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

Matrix<R,C> operator- (const Matrix<R,C>& lhs, const Matrix<R,C>& rhs)


Matrix<R,C> sub (lhs);

return sub -= rhs;


template<const size_t R, const size_t C, const size_t R1, const size_t C1>

Matrix<R,C1> operator* (const Matrix<R,C>& lhs, const Matrix<R1,C1>& rhs)


static_assert (C==R1, "Matrix dimension mismatch!");

Matrix<R,C1> mul;

for (size_t x=0; x!=R; ++x)


for (size_t y=0; y!=C1; ++y)


int prod = 0;

for (size_t z=0; z!=C; ++z)


prod += lhs[x][z] * rhs[z][y];


mul[x][y] = prod;



return mul;


template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Matrix<R,C>& m)


for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row)


for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col)


std::cout << m[row][col] << '\t';


std::cout << std::endl;


return os;


int main()


std::default_random_engine generator;

std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution (1,9);

const size_t rows = 2;

const size_t cols = 3;

Matrix<rows, cols> a, b;

for (size_t row=0; row<rows; ++row)


for (size_t col=0; col<cols; ++col)


a[row][col] = distribution (generator);

b[row][col] = distribution (generator);



std::cout << "Matrix a:\n\n" << a << '\n' << std::endl;

std::cout << "Matrix b:\n\n" << b << '\n' << std::endl;

std::cout << "Matrix a + b:\n\n" << a + b << '\n' << std::endl;

std::cout << "Matrix a - b:\n\n" << a - b << '\n' << std::endl;

Matrix<cols, rows> c;

for (size_t row=0; row<rows; ++row)


for (size_t col=0; col<cols; ++col)


c[col][row] = distribution (generator);



std::cout << "Matrix c:\n\n" << c << '\n' << std::endl;

std::cout << "Matrix a * c:\n\n" << a * c << '\n' << std::endl;


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