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Q: Performing wet to moist sterile dressing change?
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How do you do a dry sterile dressing technique on a wound?

a dressing is moist at wound site and a dry dressing in covering it

How do you dress the exposed intestines or organ?

You must cover it with moist saline dressings.

When baking turkey dressing should pan be covered?

If you like a moist dressing cover pan with lid or foil, for dryer dressing do not cover.

If the burn was to the lid of the eye what type of treatment would be indicated?

sterile moist dressings

How do you make moist cornbread?

You can make your cornbread dressing more moist by adding more broth to the recipe. When you pour the dressing into the baking pan, if you have a little broth standing on top, it should turn out moist. Another way is, when you add the broth to the dressing mixture, stir it well, and let it sit for a little while to allow the cornbread to absorb the moisture. Then add more broth. I have also checked the dressing during baking, and if it seems to be getting dry, I drizzle broth over the top and put it back in the oven. The broth you add will absorb into the dressing.

Should dressing be covered or uncovered when cooking?

Cover to cook and keep all moist; uncover if you want some 'crust' on top.

Does iron change when it is moist?

It causes rusting

Can mint be grown from its shoot?

Mint grows like gangbusters. It is easily propagated by cuttings or division of the clumps. Simply take a 3 to 4 inch long cutting, place it in moist, sterile soil or sand and place it in the shade. Keep it moist and it should grow new roots in 3 to 4 weeks.

Plant's root is soft what to do to fix it?

When the plant's roots are soft, it's likely that they have rotted. If the issue is caught early, the plant can be repotted into sterile potting soil that is barely moist which will prevent further fungal attacks.

Why do worms like moisten soil?

Worms themselves are moist. Their moisture "equilibrium" doesn't change in moist soil. But dry soil will desiccate them - they head deeper looking for moister soil.

Is iron that rusts in moist a physical property chemical property physical change or a chemical change?

Rusting is a chemical process, an oxidation reaction.

What does treatment of stage I and II bedsores involve?

relieving pressure, keeping the wound clean and moist, and keeping the area around the ulcer clean and dry. This is often accomplished with saline washes and the use of sterile medicated gauze dressings