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moist places

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Q: Does it grow faster in moist or dry places?
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Does more moisture help mold grow faster?

Yes. For example, a moist pirce of bread will grow mold faster than a dry piece.

Why do fungi need moist places to grow?

fungi grow in moistg places and have a varying type of places in which they grow

Why won't dry bread grow mold?

Dry bread won't grow mold because mold only occurs in moist, damp places.

What grows mold faster moist bread or dry bread?

Mold grows faster on moist bread.Well I also think that it is moist bread. I will post the materials necessary and why later I am just starting this science project.

Why do clothes dry faster on a dry day?

because the air is more dry not moist and it makes the clothes dry faster.

Which grows mold faster dry bread or moist bread?

moist bread

Which will rise up faster dry air or moist air?

dry air rises up faster because the dry air has less density n therefore it rises up faster than moist air

What environment do fungi live in?

Fungi grow in many different types of environments. These includes warm, moist places, as well as dry places with large amounts of salt.

What grows mold faster dry bread or moist bread?

Moist bread grows mold faster.much better than dry

What is a procedures for what molds faster moist bread or dry bread?

Mold requires moisture and heat to grow. An open bag of bread is more apt to dry than to mold. Dry bread is most commonly used for bread crumbs and very rarely will dry bread mold.

Does dry bread mold faster than moist bread?


Does the slice of bread will turn mouldy faster in a warm and moist place or cool and dry place?

Yes. It sounds like a perfect place for them to grow.