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Q: Period 2 days late very light no tampon needed brownish period with a few small clots vomiting on first day with lots of diariah Brest tender only for a few mins on 2nd day Could you be pregnant?
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You havent had your period since june10 and ive had some brownish discharge could you be pregnant?


What can cause a brownish pink discharge about 14 days after your period?

Light pink discharge is common if you are pregnant.

You are one month late for your period and you are currently experiencing moderate brownish spotting What does this mean?

you might be pregnant

Do at which time the vomiting starts after missing one period?

everything is just confusing i mean im on my period and pregnant.

What is the sign if the girl is pregnant?

vomiting no period and others but te 2 i said are most notisable

Does vomiting in the first month normal for a pregnant woman?

Vomiting typically starts one and half months after the last period. It lasts till three months of last period. Before and after this period, there is nausea for few days. Vomiting is normal in this period. Your doctor will give you few tablets to be taken during this period. They can be taken safely, to prevent the vomiting.

If your period was expected 3 days ago and you've had light bleeding not like your normal period it's a brownish-red color you have had other symptoms of pregnancy Could this be implantation bleeding?

yes it could be. I had brownish spotting when my period was due, and I was pregnant. But the only way to know for sure is to test.

Is it possible confuse implantation bleeding for an early period?

Yes, I had brownish/oragne/pink discharge around 4 days before my period was due..but period never came and found out that I was pregnant.

What is the very first sings of being pregnant?

Missed period Tender nipples / breasts sometimes nausea and/or vomiting

What does brownish pink spotting 5 days after a late light period mean?

It means that you might be pregnant. Take a test

What does brownish spotting instead of your period mean?

your most likely pregnant and it is old blood you need to let your doctor check you could be pregnant and old blood your uterus is getting rid off

If you have your period while pregnant would you get big clots and a dark brownish color?

Clots during pregnancy is usually a indication of a miscarriage. Brown bleeding is usually old blood which isn't a normal period.