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The only sin that will forever alienate us from God is to curse him and not believe in Jesus as your savior. It is never too late to repent of any sin but if you die without Jesus then it is too late. This is my Christian belief.

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Q: Personal sin that alienates us from God?
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Who helped God?

Jesus was the one who helped God - to save us from sin.

If a gay person never has sex again then can they go to heaven?

Yes....If he repents of his sin and turns to God asking forgiveness, He will forgive him. God loves the sinner but hates the sin. No sin is anymore grievous to God, than another. Sin is sin in God's eyes, all must be dealt with through repentance.

Why did god hold Adam responsible for the woman's sin?

He didn't God held Eve responsible for her sin of listening to Satan and she was judged. God held Adam responsible for his sin of listening to the woman and He and all of us were judged. God held Satan resonsible for His sin of deception and he was judged,

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God is without conscience. He made us with one because we are sinful. God does not sin and doesn't have the potential to sin. God doesn't have a conscience because he doesn't sin so he doesn't feel guilt. Our conscience is what make us feel guilty about something we did bad. Hope that helps you out.

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What the flood tells us about God is that God feels strongly about sin. He becomes upset with humanity. It tells us that God expects good from us and expects us to follow His way.

What kind of sin turns us completely from god?

Burning toast

What separates us from God and affects others?

Sin separates us from God and affects others by causing harm, pain, and discord in relationships. Sin is a violation of God's moral law and disrupts our connection to Him, as well as creating rifts between individuals. Repentance and seeking forgiveness are important steps in repairing these broken relationships.

What is the goodness of god?

The goodness of God refers to the moral excellence and benevolence attributed to the divine nature, characterized by qualities such as love, compassion, mercy, and justice. It reflects the belief that God's actions and intentions are fundamentally good and just.

What did God do when you were baptized?

your original sin- handed down from Adam and eve in the garden of eden when eve was tempted by Satan to eat from the tree of knowledge. when the Lord God found out he banished them from the garden and telling them what the consequences were.when we are baptized God forgave us of that sin which would have kept us out of paradise and left us in a state of limbo. so when we are baptized we became children of God and can gain entry into heaven if we sin no more

How did the sin of Adam and Eve become the sin of all their descendants?

The sin of Adam and Eve was one of rebellion against God. Complete and outright disobedience to Him. Eve first, then Adam. Soon as they disobeyed, they went and hid from God. Sin brought fear, fear of consequences. What would God do? There was no fear or worry when they walked in obedience with God. Life was perfect, creation was glorious and beautiful.When they sinned, and disobeyed their Creator, sin entered into them, that rebellious nature that says "No thanks God, I'll do it my way" and now they were "officially" known as sinners, carrying in themselves the sin naturethat would be passed down to their descendants, and every human being by virtue of birth.I often thought why didn't God just wipe them out and start again, it wasn't my choice to be born with a sin nature, yet God is Holy and Just and God gives us freedom to choose, be it right or wrong and yes, He knew just what would happen, however for the countless numbers that would received forgiveness through Jesus from sin He chose to deal with sin by bringing forth a sinless Son, Jesus. As Jesus was dying, He called out to God, and said, "Why have You forsaken Me" - it was because God could not look upon the sin that Jesus was carrying in His body. Sin alienates humans from God.Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned". Sin is SO offensive to God that Romans 6:23 states "The wages of sin is death". And that's why only a sinless person could take our place on the cross and carry the world's sin on His body - 1Peter2:24 and defeat death and rise again, giving believers eternal life which was the original plan of God. Satan is a liar and the father of lies from the very beginning and he wanted to usurp God's creation right from the start.I don't think Adam and Eve ever knew the consequences for humanity their sin caused.

You celebrate your own what from sin and praise god for sending us jesus?

I have the same question?!?!?!?!?

Who decided mortal or venial sins?

There is no distinction in the bible. Sin separates us from God.