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Q: Personal space in different cultures
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Related questions

Do different cultures have differing personal boundaries?

Certainly, different cultures have very different boundaries. What is acceptable in one culture might not be in others.

What is a personal space?

Personal space is different for different people. This is an area around you. If you feel uncomfortable when some one (usually of the opposite sex) gets too close, they are in your personal space.

What do Native Americans think about personal space?

Native Americans are humans; their concepts on personal space are not much different than anyone else.

Why are no two cultures the same?

No two cultures are the same because different cultures do different things.

How do you use the word personal space in a sentence?

"I just used the word personal space in a sentence." Move over your in my personal space!!"

What ancient cultures worship space?

The ancient cultures that worshiped space include the Sumerians, who believed in a pantheon of sky gods such as Anu, the god of the sky; the Egyptians, who had deities like Nut, the goddess of the sky; and the Aztecs, who revered deities associated with the sun, moon, and stars like Tonatiuh and Metztli. These cultures often saw the sky and celestial bodies as powerful forces influencing their lives and destinies.

What makes cultures different?

Cultures are different because of their regions, beliefs and lifestyles. Most cultures wear different types of clothing, eat different foods and listen to different music.

Are the different cultures in Africa similar?

Yes, the different Cultures in Africa are Similar

Is different cultures the same as different religion?

Yes, cultures and religions are the same.

Why do cultures have traditions?

Different cultures have different traditions because we celebrate differently.

What is the difference from France and us?

They are on different continents and have vastly different cultures.

How are general and personal space related?

Personal space is self space while general space is the space that a group of people share in a place