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Q: Persuasive essay introduction-why shouldn't animals be kept in zoos?
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What are some themes for a persuasive essay?

The ideas for a persuasive essay are endless. It is easy to write a persuasive essay when you are talking about something you personally believe in and know the facts of. A persuasive essay is simply a platform in which to convince someone that what you believe is true.

What are persuasive essays about?

A persuasive essay is an essay used to convince a reader about a particular idea, usually one that writer believe in, which is the main purpose of a persuasive essay.

Do you include the authors opinion in a persuasive essay?

Yes, of course. That is the whole point of persuasive essay.

How do you write an essay on why zoos shouldn't be banned?

You write include reasons on why they shouldnt be banned. EG you · Couldn't learn about animals of the world.

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how do you end a persuasive essay?

Which type of essay contains an opinion?

persuasive essay

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When writing a persuasive essay, keep in mind the content as it is very important for effective writing.

Who is persuasive man?

The persuasive man is Jerry L. he gave me persuasive essay due Tuesday.

What type of essay is on summer by lorraine hansberry?

It is a persuasive essay!

What is an essay that tries to change someones ideas?

A persuasive essay.

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Write a persuasive essay?

I'm happy to help with that. What specific topic would you like me to write a persuasive essay on?