

Best Answer

Cody would bring it to the vet and you should to so do it

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Q: Pets and yeast infections in the ear how can you treat it?
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How do you treat Staffordshire bull terrier ear infections?

The best thing would be to take it to a vet as they will give you the proper medication to treat it. You can usually tell when a dog has ear infections by smelling the ear and if it has an unpleasant smell it is infected. Because Staffies have droopy ears they are more prone to ear infections.

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Amoxicillin is a type of drug that is used to treat various body infections such as the urinary infections, vaginal infections, ear infections, etc.

Are ear mites contagious?

No a dog can't get a ar infection from a human. Humans can't catch ear infections from other humans either because ear infections are from yeast. Yeast forms when you have a moist warm environment so basily dogs ears. Yeast is like a bacteria of fungi.

What does koact treat?

Koact 625 is used to treat certain types of bacterial infections. It is usually given for infections in the ear, nose, throat. It can also be used to treat the skin or bladder.

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Suprax is an antibiotic that is used to treat infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia; bronchitis; gonorrhea; and ear, lung, throat, and urinary tract infections.

Can you give Doxycycline for ear infections yeast in dogs?

First, antibiotics do NOT treat yeast! In fact, antibiotics can CAUSE yeast infections! Yeast overgrowth that shows up as ear infections, goopy ears, stinky skin, etc. is caused by too many carbohydrates, grains, fillers in a dog's diet. You can treat the symptoms with medications but unless you make changes to the diet, this will continue to be an issue. It is also caused by use or misuse of antibiotics-- dogs are like children; you should not treat or give meds without a vet telling you to do so. Carbs/grains are converted to sugar in the body and yeast's favorite food is sugar! So, eliminate the carbs, grains, fillers. Add a high quality supplement that contains things to build the immune system (to fight the yeast) and give it time. Your dog can actually get through the yeast overgrowth on his own if given the right tools. See Related Links for a great article that gives more details about candida yeast in dogs.

What does koact 625 treat?

Koact 625 is used to treat certain types of bacterial infections. It is usually given for infections in the ear, nose, throat. It can also be used to treat the skin or bladder.

Why does golden retrievers ears smell?

Well, if they stink, then there is probably an infection, either yeast or bacterial. If there is brown sticky like stuff in there, then there is definitely an infection. The most common ear infections are yeast infections. The best thing to do is see a vet, let them diagnose the problem, flush out the ears, and get you medication. I recommend this first and foremost, however, you can get a mild ear cleaner and clean the ears yourself. For yeast infections, I swear by the over the counter vaginal yeast infection medications. It is the same type stuff your vet will give you for an ear yeast infection, however, it does not take care of bacteria if it is present. One other thing you need to consider is ear mites.

What is ciprofloxacin hcl 500 used for?

Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone, meaning it prevents bacterial DNA from replicating. Thus, it used to fight bacterial infections. It is widely known after the anthrax scare, for which it is prescribed. It can also be used for certain types of UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections).

Does an infectious disease doctor treat sinus infections?

There isn't an infectious disease doctor. All of them are able to treat infectious diseases. But a ear, nose & throat specialist, doctor specializing in the treatment of disorders related to the upper respiratory system (ear, nose and throat) can effectively treat such infections.

What is the drug amoxicillin used for in the medical science?

Amoxycillin is generally used to treat bacterial infections.

Can doxycycline treat ear infections?

Hope doctor just gave me a prescription for my own ear infection. Not all all ear infections are caused by the same bacteria or fungi so I would guess no one antibiotic works on all.