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Photolysis is a chemical reaction under radiations, involved in photosynthesis.

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Q: Photolysis is a part of which cycle?
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Is photolysis in the Calvin cycle?

The Calvin Cycle take in CO2 and gives off sugar (CH2O).

What does photolysis involve?


How can a chloroplast generate enough ATP to support the needs of the calvin cycle?

By photolysis of water during light reaction

How does light play a role in photosynthesis?

Causes the photolysis of water and enables the calvin cycle to occur or the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis.

The molecules split by photolysis are what molecules?

Your question is very unclear. Photolysis of what?

How do photosynthesis and respiration take part in O2 cycle?

During photosynthesis O2 is released by the photolysis of water whereas in respiration O2 is consumed in the breakdown of substrate(reserve food).In simple words , Photosynthesis release O2 while respiration requires O2.

What is the significance of photolysis of water?

Photolysis of water is significant because it plays a key role in photosynthesis which is the process used by a plant to make sugar. Without photolysis of water photosynthesis wouldn't be possible. Without photosynthesis, sugar couldn't be made and life as we know it on Earth wouldn't exist.

What is photolysis?

photolysis, or photodecomposition is a chemical reaction in which a chemical compound is broken down by photons. It is defined as the interaction of one or more photons with one target molecule.

How does photolysis work?


What is light dependent?

photolysis of water

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Is animal waste part of the Carbon Cycle?

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