

Php array to xml file

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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If you mean taking an array and making an xml file out of it then you would need to dump the array information into the xml file.

$fp = fopen(filename, "a");

$str = <author>$array['author']</author>



that way it will add the contents to the end of thhe file

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Q: Php array to xml file
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You can see or view an xml file with a plain text editor like notepad or you can use a dedicated xml editor. With an xml editor you can also validate your xml file which means you can correct any errors in your xml file.

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You will use an xml parser like simple xml. If you will focus on timeout/connection time out in curl and script time out in php is set to 0(no limit) it will help.

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there is no source code, xml is not a programming language, its a markup language for which you create your own tags, the basic xml syntax is &lt;xml&gt; to start an xml file, and &lt;/xml&gt; to end the xml file.

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an xml schema is a blueprint for your xml file and it dictates what can and cannot be in your xml file. it also is a blueprint as i said and so it outlines the tsructure of your file, the nodes, elements, child, attributes etc