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Q: Pictures of the vah river in Slovakia?
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How long is the river vah which is in Slovacia?

Lenght of river Vah in Slovak republic is 351,3 km.

What is the longest river in Slovakia?

The longest river in Slovakia is Vag

Is the longest river Vah?

Please rephrase - the question is unclear.

What country does not have ports on the Danube river?


What river forms a boundary between Slovakia and Hungary?

The Atlanitic

Danube River forms a border between which countries?

Slovakia and Hungary

Who were the first people to colonize SLovakia?

Celts were present in modern day Slovakia in unorganized and independent barbarian tribes before Christ. In AD, it was the Romans who conquered part of land behind the River Danube and went to as far as modern-day Trencin. It isn't known that Romans ever passed the River Vah. After series of Hun and Avar invasions, these central Asian tribes settled more in modern-day Hungary between 2nd and 6th century. Slavs however settled in modern-day Slovakia in 5th century and were gathered under the rule of Franco-Slavic emperor Samo in 623, also conquering parts of Pannonia (Hungary). Since these days Slavs had lived in ethnic majority in modern-day Slovakia under Samo Empire, Great Moravia, Kingdom of Hungary, Austria-Hungary as well as Czechoslovakia and odiously Slovakia.

What is the second largest city in Slovakia?

The second longest river in Slovakia is known as the Danube River. It starts in the mountains of west Germany and travels through nine countries before draining into the Black Sea

What does vah vah mean?


What river runs through Germany Austria Slovakia Hungary Serbia Romania Bulgaria Moldova and Ukraine?

This river is Danube.

What river forms part of the border between Hungary and Slovakia?

Danube, which flows through Slovakian cities of Bratislava, Komarno and Sturovo, is the river which is a border between Slovakia and Hungary, on some 200 km.

Where in Europe is Hungary?

In central Europe, between Austria, Slovakia and Romania.