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Q: Pigs have an excellent sense of smell they can sniff out truffles as much as?
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Hamsters are nocturnal. What is an wild hamsters survival skill to survive in the dark?

They have a strong sense of smell and they have excellent hearing too. They will listen for predators and sniff out food :)

Why do polar bears have a good sense of smell?

because they like to sniff

Why do pirahnas have noses?

pirahnas have noses because they need to use their keen sense of smell to sniff out their pray. They can tell if another animal is near, by there sense of smell.

Do Boston terriers have a good sense of smell?

yes, they are hunting dogs breed for their ability sniff out prey.

What is a onomatopoeia word for smell?

sniff sniff

Can dogs smell pills?

no they cant, defiantly not if its concealed or legal

Why can dogs sniff out drugs and explosives better than humans?

A much bigger nose and better developed sense of smell.

Is it normal for a cat to sniff everything?

Yes, it is very normal. Cats have a strong sense of smell and are curious creatures by nature.

Do bears have a good sense of smell?

yes. The only animal which doesn't have taste buds are leopards.

How do you spell sniff?

That is the correct spelling of "sniff" (to take a smell).

How do you smell cake?

Sniff it.

Does a dolphin have a strong smell?

Sniff .. Sniff... NOPE (I dont know)