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Q: Pile of pebbles carrot and pipe lying in a field. Why?
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Is 'a pile of books are lying on the table' correct English?

Yes a pile of books is correct, you can also have a stack of books or a bundle of books

How is conglomerate made?

Conglomerate is a sedimentary rock made up of tiny rounded pebbles cemented together by sediments that pile on top of them. The pebbles become cemented together by minerals like silica, calcite, and iron oxides.

What are field tests carried out on piles?

displacement pile

What are the field tests carried out on piles?

displacement pile

What does homer attempt to represent when he depicts argus toothless helpless and lying in a pile of filth?

That Argus is old

Does the denim used for Levi's jeans wrinkle or do they need to be ironed?

Levi's jeans only wrinkle if they are washed and left lying in a pile on the floor.

What is the french word for the English word pile?

(English definitions from an assemblage of things laid or lying one upon the other: a pile of papers; a pile of bricks. > une pile2. Informal. a large number, quantity, or amount of anything: a pile of work. > une pile, un tas3. a heap of wood on which a dead body, a living person, or a sacrifice is burned; pyre. > un bûcher4. a lofty or large building or group of buildings: the noble pile of Windsor Castle. > les bâtiments5. Informal. a large accumulation of money: They made a pile on Wall Street. > un tas, une pile6. a bundle of pieces of iron ready to be welded and drawn out into bars. > un faisceau7. reactor. > un reacteur, une pile nucléaire8. Electricity. voltaic pile. > une pile, une pile électrique, une pile voltaique

How high would a one million cubic yard pile of earth be if it were stacked on a football field?


Contribution of alessandro volter in the field of electricity?

Alessandro Volto had several contributions in the field of electricity. He invented the electric cell, the battery, the Voltaic pile and methane.

Does a skelaton enable you to move?

yep, without a skeleton your body would be all soft and saggy, you wouldnt be able to move at all and you'd be lying on the floor in a pile

What do you get with 24 wrappers?

A pile of wrappers!A pile of wrappers!A pile of wrappers!A pile of wrappers!

What is spun pile and micro pile?

Spun Pile is the pile that they produced at the factory and bring it to the worksite.It is almost the same with Bored Pile,but in side is hole.