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Planetesimals made from ice and sometimes rock are called comets.

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Q: Planetesimals made of ice are called what?
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Related questions

What are the small bodies made of rock and ice that became the building blocks for planets called?


Are leftover ice-rich planetesimals called comets?

Only if they fall into elliptical orbits that take them close to the sun. So long as they stay in the Ort cloud, they're planetesimals.

What is it called when the biggest planetesimals grow the fastest and the smaller ones get destroyed?

The process by which the larger planetesimals grow even larger, while the smaller ones are destroyed, might be called planetary accretion.

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What are small asteroid like bodies that formed the building blocks of the planet?

they are called planetesimals

What are Pointed Sticks made out of ice called?

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The building blocks of the universe are called?

the building blocks of the universe are called chemical elements or just elements

Are stars smaller than planetesimals?

No. Stars are many times larger than planetesimals.

What effect do collisions among planetesimals of greatly varying size have on the formation of planets?

The small ones get to be "swallowed up" by the bigger ones, because of gravity. Eventually, the planetesimals can develop into planets by this process, which called "accretion".

What is the other name of asteroids?

They're sometimes called planetoids, planetesimals, minor planets, or "vermin of the skies".

What did planetesimals do as earth formed?

As earth formed, most planetesimals were attracted by the earth's gravity and coalesced with earth.

How are glaciers made?

by water freezing into a block of ice called a glacier.