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It is a good source of fiber.

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Q: Plant cell walls are made of cellulose List some ways people use cellulose?
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Which of these has a cell wall composer of cellulose?

You didn't include your list to pick from, but plants, certain algae, and oomycetes have cell walls made of the organic polymer, cellulose.

List Two organelles that plant cells have but animal cells do not?

Plant cells have chloroplasts and cell walls, which animal cells don't have.

What organisms contain cellulose a pine tree a cow a rabbit a fern a grass a goldfish?

Cellulose is a substance made from sugars (a polysacharide) by plants, It is the "structural" material forming the cell walls. Therefore from the above list the pine tree, fern and grass contain cellulose.

List some ways people use cellulose?

Cellulose is used in more than 500 types of Industries for producing thousands of products like textile, insulation materials etc.

List three different organisms whose cells are enclosed in cell walls?

plant cell, algae cell, and fungi cell, and most bacteria are enclosed in a cell wall.

Two polysaccharides that store glucose are?

If by 2 polysaccharides you mean any two, then some of the common examples would be cellulose, peptidoglycan, starch (amylose and amylopectin), hemicellulose, chitin, glycogen ........... the list is almost endless.

A list of natural substances?

a plant.

What is the difference between fungi and plantae?

The list of the differences between fungi and plantae is extremely long... * Plants are Photosynthesizers, Fungi are decomposers * Plants and Fungi have completely different cell makeup * Plants come from seeds, Fungi don't The list goes on and on... It seems that the only reason that anyone would even think of classifying them under the same Kingdom name, is that they are both stationary, and cannot go find their own food.

What only can be found as supports within plant cells?

Chloroplasts, vacuoles, and walls are what only can be found as supports within plant cells. The first-mentioned item on the list offers support in making energy whereas the second provides protection against extra-cellular forces and the third regulates water pressure.

Does Taco Bell use tissue paper as a filling in their Chicken Tacos?

Actually, yes. One of the ingredients they mention in their southwest chicken filling is cellulose. Cellulose is tissue paper. Whether taco bell uses tissue paper or some other kind of paper, I don't know. They do list cellulose/paper as an ingredient, though. Yum yum!

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What substances would you find in dried lettuce?

List four substances you would expect to find in a dried sample of lettuce.