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Q: Plant eating animals get their main source of energy from?
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What is the main energy source of plant-eating animals?


Where do Plant eating animals got their energy from?


What does animals get from plants?

like, eating? wel, they get energy from eating the plant if they are a herbavore

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Plant-eating animals such as cows are?

Plant-eating animals are generally considered herbivores.

What is carnivores herbivores and omnivores?

Herbivores are plant eating animals Carnivores are meat eating animals Omnivores are meat and plant eating animals

How does solar energy help the animals?

sun makes bacteria grow, bacteria and sun is needed to grow plants plants are needed to feed plant eating animals carnivors eats the plant eating animals. then scaventures eats the carnivors.

How do animals benefit from a plant's method of storing sugar?

For plant-eating animals the benefit is that they can get to the sugar the plant has stored.

Why do animals eat and why do plants not eat?

Technically, plants do eat, you just don't see them eating. Animals get their energy from eating other organisms (plants, other animals, etc.), while plants get their energy from the sun and undergo photosynthesis which results in energy for the plant, or their 'food'

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Why do some rain forest animals eat other animals instead of eating plants?

Because that's what they adapted to do. Plant eating animals usually have to spend an enormous amount of time eating to get the amount of energy a meat eating animal gets with one kill.