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Q: Plants are the only organisms that use ATP for the transfer and storage of energy?
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How do plants storage energy?

The plants store energy in the form of starch in the storage tissues.

How do organisms utilized the stored energy from green plants?

how do organisms utilize the stored energy from green plants

What place for storage of organic materials in plants?

Starch is the storage form of energy in plants

All organisms use ADP to store energy?

No. They use ATP as an energy source (ADP is left over after the energy is used). There is no storage there. Animals use fat to store energy, plants use starch.

Can fungi transfer food into energy?

No, fungi live on other organisms and feed off of them. they are parasites, not plants

Why are producers important for the transfer of energy within an ecosystem?

Producers are the beginning of the chain of energy that travels through the food chain. These are organisms, such as plants, that turn inorganic material into biomass.

What is the impact of animals in the ecosystem?

Animals take the energy from plants, reprocess it, and transfer it into chemical, mechanical, and thermal energy. And after the animals die, the energy they stored is broken down by tiny organisms, absorbed into the soil, and then used by plants to grow. The circle of life.

What and how do organisms use sunlight energy trapped in plants?

This energy is stored in glucose. Plants synthesize many things using glucose energy. Other organisms consume plants basically

What is a transfer of energy through organisms?

the food chain

What is the energy storage unit in plants?


The steps by which energy flows among a group of organisms is called?

A food chain.The steps by which energy flows among groups of organisms is called an energy pyramid. The energy pyramid shows what organisms get energy from other organisms and how much they get.

A diagram that shows energy moves through an ecosystem is called?

Energy transfer can be represented by the food chain. The sun's light is acquired by plants and converted to energy by photosynthesis. Herbivores (plant eating organisms) get this energy by consuming plants. The organisms of herbivores convert the nutrients from plants into useful energy by respiration. The herbivores are consumed by other organisms, for instance carnivores and omnivores (such as humans) to provide energy for their survival.Some organisms (such as some reptiles and fish) are ectothermic and require external heat sources to survive.