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plant need oxygen to release the energy in the food that they make because the oxygen molecule react with hydogen to produce water in the light reaction which takes place inside the leave

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Q: Plants need oxygen to release the energy in the food that they make?
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What do plants release as they turn food into energy?


What plants need to break down and release energy to move its food to other plants?

the plant needs oxygen to break down and release energy to move its food

What is the release of energy in plants and animals from food?

The release of energy in plants and animals food is chemical energy.

Most plants and animals require food and oxygen to live. Plants and animals primarily use the oxygen to convert their food into?


Do plants release energy from food?


What gas is needed for the chemical breakdown of food to release energy?

Oxygen is needed for the chemical breakdown of food to release energy. This process is known as cellular respiration, and it occurs in the mitochondria of our cells. Oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, allowing for the production of ATP, which is the energy currency of the cell.

Do plants release energy?

No they do not. They take in sunlight to convert glucose into ATP, which they then use as "food". They take in CO2 and then release Oxygen if that's what you're wondering...

How do plants and animals primarily use the oxygen to convert their food?

oxygen is primarily used by all living things to breakdown food to energy in a process called oxidation. We get this oxygen by respiration process. Apart from this plants use oxygen to make their food using sunlight in presence of Chlorophyll. Ad also by exhaling..

What do you call the release of energy from food molecules in the absence of oxygen?

The release of energy from food molecules in the absence of oxygen is called anaerobic respiration or fermentation. This process involves breaking down glucose to produce energy without using oxygen.

What do plants provide all life on earth?

Plants are a source of food and energy for herbivores. Plants are producers, meaning they make their own food from solar energy. They are the base of any food chain. Many animals, such as monkeys, birds, or insects, also live on or in plants. Finally, plants provide oxygen for humans and animals to breath. Before plants and other photosynthesizing organisms, the earth had no oxygen. Plants use the carbon dioxide that animals expel in photosynthesis, and release oxygen, which is a waste product for plants but vital for animals.

Is oxygen needed to release energy from food?

yea it is

Why does plants need to release energy from their food?

In order to carry out vital activities, plants need to release energy from their foods.