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Q: Most plants and animals require food and oxygen to live. Plants and animals primarily use the oxygen to convert their food into?
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Why do you need sunlight to survive?

Indirectly however there could be two responses. The food chain is based primarily on plants. They require sunlight to perform photosynthesis, and animals require plants to perform metabolism. Humans have evolved to a point of self-sufficiency, by which we can grow plants with artificial light.

Do plants require less energy than animals because they are much smaller than most animals?

No, actually plants require more energy, because unlke animals plants use energy as food as to where animals hunt and eat plants.

Why do animals require higher rate of respiration then plants?

Animals require higher rate of respiration as they move from one place to another and therefore they need more energy. There the rate of respiration in animals is than in plants. They require more enrgy.

How are plants and nitrogen related?

Plants require nitrogen (compounds) to convert carbs into amino acids (to build proteins)

Do animal get energy from the sun?

Indirectly. All animals are heterotrophs, meaning they do not use the sun to convert inorganic molecules into sugars. Plants do this, and animals eat plants or other animals that have eaten plants.

Different of animals and plants?

Plants cannot move while animals can. Plants cannot reproduce on their own while animals can. Plants require an agent of pollination to reproduce indirectly. Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

Is sunlight is needed by animals to convert oxygen to carbon dioxide?

No. Sunlight is needed by plants to convert CO2 to O2.

What is primarily releases in a radioactive decay?

plants and animals die and then decay to release carbon compound in then

What is the ocelot's job in a food web?

The ocelot is a secondary consumer. It feeds upon smaller animals, primarily animals that eat plants.

What Did Priestly's experiments explained?

Plants are associated with O2&Animals require O2

How do animals benefits from a plants method storing sugar?

For plant-eating animals the benefit is that they can get to the sugar the plant has stored.

How do plants use chemical energy to help animals?

convert some of it to electrical energy