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Q: Plants which can categorize under characteristics moment?
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What should you categorize a question under if it's about tests?

You should probably categorize it under Education or Standarized tests, depending on the type of test you're asking about.

What is FICA with held?

it's what you name it and categorize it under so if it's legal then it deals with legal issues

Under what part of a culture would a person categorize the invention of a new high speed airplane for transportation?

nonmaterial culture

Do some questions get deleted when it's under uncategorize?

No, The questions under uncategorized are where questions go if someone does not know what categorize to put them in and eventually they will go into the proper categories.

Why don't water plants drown?

Because they are constantly under water. This is just how nature is. The plants probably have some special coating or something.

How do you categorize a WikiAnswers question?

To categorize a question, click the "Edit Categories" link just under the question title. You can also click 'Edit categories' underneath the 'question tools' of the blue left toolbar. For more information on categorizing, please see the Related Links section of this answer.

What are the physical characteristics of a place?

Physical characteristics of a place include altitude, landforms like mountains and bodies of water. It also includes climate and different forms of precipitation. Temperature is also included. What type of soil, plants and natural resources also fall under this category. ~Natasha Slootweg

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why do you think some plants and animals are replaced under quantine

Do plants grown in water hatch flies or mosquitos?

plants under water do the exact same thing as plants grown on land some under water plants suck there prey in and eat them

Do woodpeckers actually peck wood or are they just kidding with us?

Well, woodpeckers peck trees, which i guess could categorize under wood. Hope I helped!

What characteristics do flatworms have?

they swim under water and they are yuck

Are grass plants?

Grasses ARE plants. They are categorized under Non-flowering Plants.