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I'm not sure, but I think Alberta isn't cold enough for the polar bears. Also, there might not be enough ice caps in Alberta for the polar bears to live off of. People talk about how the polar bears are struggling to survive because global warming is melting all their ice caps. Many times, if there aren't enough ice caps, the bears can't find food or survive.

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Q: Polar Bears do not live in Alberta Discuss which 2 basic needs of a polar bear cannot be met in Alberta?
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Polar Bears do not live in Alberta. Which 2 basic needs of a polar bear cannot be met in Alberta?

no seal's. so water. not cold enoughf. , well, #1, It's not cold enough for them. #2, and their fav food (seals) do not live here. #3, there is hardly any water, and they need water. .

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