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Polar bears have had to become solitary creatures in order to survive in extreme temperatures. They must at times sleep when there is no food.

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Q: Polar bear behavioral adaptation to survive in extreme temperatures?
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Is the definition for behavioral adaptation?

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What is the Definition for Behavioral Adaptation?

Behavioral adaptation is an adaptation that helps an organism enhance either survival or reproduction. Adaptations, behavioral or structural, are genetically-based and thus can be passed on from generation to generation. Behavioral adaptations are those adaptations that have a behavioral/action component to them. While an adaptation is any trait that changes to better suit the organism for its environment, it is important to understand that adaptations are different than an acclimation. An adaptation, behavioral or otherwise, takes several generations to develop, while an organism can become acclimated to conditions within its lifetime. Becoming more "used to" colder temperatures by the end of wintertime is considered an acclimation.

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How the behavioral adaptation of the three toed sloth helps it to survive?

It sleeps in the night to gain energy

What is a sharks behavioral adaptation?

Well one adaptation might be trying to reproduce with other sharks so the cycle can move on... as behavioral adaptation is the behaviors of a plant or animal that helps it survive in its environment. I hope this helps!

What a behaviour adaptation?

A behavoural adaptation is how an animal acts in its habitat.AND/ORA thing that organisms do to survive in a particular environment, such as the way they feed, breed or move.A behavioral adaptation is something an animal does to survive, like a bird migrating.

What is an organism that has an adaptation that allows it to survive?

Adaptation or adaptive value is any genetically controlled structural, physiological, or behavioral characteristic. This helps an organism survive and reproduce under a given set of environmental conditions.

How can adaptations help an animal in relation to their niche?

Adaptation helps animals survive in their environment or niche. Behavioral adaptation can be inherited or learnt. Anatomical adaptation depends on physical features such as shape.

How are physical and behavioral adaptations helpful to animals?

Behavioral adaptations are what living things do to survive. Behavioral adaptation is important because it helps living things survive their situation, it also helps to teach younger generations to do the same.