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Q: Political leaders in the Philippines who are supposed to be the decision makers in health?
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How are political leaders in Israel unlike other religions?

Since Israel has no official state religion, its political leaders are not religious leaders, and its religious leaders are not political leaders, in contrast to some other countries in the region and elsewhere.

Past and present leaders of Philippines?

ired upon arrival in the Philippines

How culture affects the Filipino in choice of political leaders?

Filipino culture, shaped by collectivism and respect for authority, can influence individuals to prioritize communal goals over personal preferences. This can impact the choice of political leaders as Filipinos may value leaders who exhibit strong leadership qualities and are seen as capable of bringing progress to the community. Additionally, cultural factors such as family connections and patronage networks can influence political decision-making.

A private meeting of political party leaders was called a?

A private meeting of political party leaders was called a Tradition

Why did US leaders form political parties?

US leaders formed political parties to represent differing political ideologies and beliefs, allowing for organized groups to advocate for their vision of how the country should be governed. This has been a common feature of democracies, enabling citizens to align with a party that shares their values and interests. Political parties also help to organize the political process, facilitate decision-making, and provide a platform for competing ideas to be debated.

What political system of Philippines under Spain?

The political system in the Philippines under Spanish rule was a centralized authoritarian system. The Spanish colonial government was characterized by a hierarchy where local leaders ruled under the supervision of Spanish officials. Indigenous communities were also governed by traditional structures, but ultimately, power and authority resided with the Spanish authorities.

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julius caser was a powerful and political body that advised the roman leaders

Are prime ministers the same as Opposition leaders?

No. Prime Ministers are in government (the head of the executive branch) and leaders of their political party in the legislature, while Opposition leaders are simply the leaders of their political party in the legislature,

Who are the leaders in the state legislature?

The leaders in state legislatures are:Speaker of the housePresidentLieutenant Governorand The Majority Political Party

Who are the leaders of political systems?

the government

Who were the political leaders of Carthage?

Its senators.

A country led by a religious leader is an example of a?

theocracy. In a theocracy, religious leaders hold political power and influence government decision-making based on religious beliefs.