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Q: Political philosophy during the Renaissance began to change with the renewed interest in?
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What were major events that occurred during the Enlightenment?

During the Enlightenment, there were major intellectual movements and spiritual movements. Old knowledge was renewed and combined with new thinking developed through science, philosophy and religion. This movement is also known as the Age of Reason which occurred during the 18th century.


It might. "Renaissance" (litterally: 'Rebirth') was about the renewed study and appreciation of classical art and science. That might theoretically speaking also have occurred through scholars and artists living in small towns or in the country. But art and science at the time were mostly practised under the protection and support of local rulers who lived in the cities. So it follows that most scientists and artists who brought about the Renaissance had to live in those cities as well.

How did the growth and development of independent trading cities like Florence and Venice encourage new interest in humanism?

Humanism first achieved public visibility through Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch; 1304–1374) whose achievements impressed his humanist contemporaries. His immediate disciples were Giovanni Boccaccio (1313–1375) and Coluccio Salutati (1331–1406), both Florentines. Salutati, as chancellor (chief administrative officer) of the city from 1375 until his death, did much to encourage the growth of humanism, especially employing humanists and bringing Manuel Chrysoloras (c. 1353–1415) to Florence, where he taught Greek for three years (1397–1400) and left behind a group of scholars competent to continue Greek studies on their own. From its center in Florence, humanism spread rapidly throughout Italy during the fifteenth century and established itself as the most defining intellectual movement of the Renaissance (1350–1600). Its spread always involved the establishment of schools. Three influential pedagogues were Gasparino Barzizza (1360–1430), the most outstanding scholar of Cicero in his generation, who taught in Venice, Bologna, and Padua; Vittorino da Feltre (1378–1446), a student of Barzizza's who taught in Padua and Venice and established a school in Mantua; and Guarino da Verona (Guarino Veronese; 1374–1460), who taught in Venice, Verona, and Florence, and established a school in Ferrara. All three had illustrious students, some of whom became rulers of city-states, others reputable scholars and teachers.During the second half of the fifteenth century the movement also established itself in Spain, France, Germany, the Low Countries, and England, as well as in eastern Europe as far as Prague, Vienna, and Budapest. But during the second generation of its expansion outside Italy, the Reformation in Germany and then elsewhere absorbed a good deal of humanist energy. The influence of humanism on the religious disputes of the sixteenth century was great, in large part because the Bible and the church fathers came so centrally into play. But its influence extended to other areas as well: to art, politics, philosophy, medicine, law, and mathematics. Humanism began to merge into other intellectual movements after 1600, though its program of education remained central in western Europe and the United States until the twentieth century.Renaissance Humanismis the spirit of learning that developed at the end of the middle ages with the revival of classical letters and a renewed confidence in the ability of human beings to determine for themselves truth and falsehood.courtesyof two websites.....

What is the Mission and Vision of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines?

1. Building a committed, active, full, and aware worshipping communities.2. Vigorously pursuing the total amd renewed evangelization of the parish.3. Establishing a holistic, social, and human ministry in union with the poor, the needy, and disadvantages.4. Creating a system of physica,l material, and technical support for the parish temporal needs.5. Promoting and supporting vocation.6. Strengthening family relationship and active parish community involvement.7. Hightening on going formation awareness and envolvement of the youth in Parish.

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The European Renaissance was marked by a renewed interest in science, commerce , philosophy, and the arts.

What is a renaissance?

a revival of or renewed interest in something, literally, a rebirth.

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The Renaissance is the age of great change marked by renewed interest in classical learning and the arts.

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The Renaissance

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Another word for revival or renewed interest on something is the word renaissance. This is why the word renaissance was used in Europe when art and literature was under a classical influence.

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The Renaissance

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What term refers to the period of time when there was a renewed interest in culture and learning in West Europe?

The period of time when there was a renewed interest in culture and learning in West Europe is called the European Renaissance. The word is French meaning rebirth.

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The term for this period is the Renaissance. It was characterized by a renewed interest in learning and the arts, and a revival of classical knowledge and values. The Renaissance had a profound impact on European culture, leading to advancements in various fields such as art, literature, science, and philosophy.