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Invasive species

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Q: Populations that are introduced into a new habitat and reproduce rapidly are known as?
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What are Populations of organisms such as kudzu and the fire ant that are introduced into a new habitat and reproduce very rapidly are known as species.?

Those are invasive species.

What species reproduce rapidly in a new habitat due to the lack of parasites and predators that would naturally control their population growth?


Why do invasive species reproduce rapidly and increases their population?

Because their new habitat lacks the parasites and predators that control their population "back home."

What animal that easy to reproduce?

Scientists use Mice for experiments because they reproduce rapidly.

Why wasn't the cane toad a problam in Mexico?

In its natural habitat the frog populations are kept small by natural predation, specific parasites and a harsh living condition. Without these the frogs can spread very rapidly.

How do viruses reproduce rapidly?

Because of their ability to undergo _____, viruses can rapidly evolve.

The problems associated with rapidly aging populations are today?

Mr. Reed

What does the sexual reproduction give the species?

Species that reproduce sexually can evolve more rapidly than species that reproduce asexually.

Does the water hyacinth reproduce from bulbs?

The water hyacinth does have flowers and can reproduce by seeds. However it has stolons or rhyzomes which allow it to clone itself or reproduce asexually very rapidly!

The ability to rapidly reproduce is an advantage of?

its eather asexual reproducton or sexual reproduction

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rapidly growing populations

Why was it important to save the javan tiger?

It was the apex predator of the island, and kept prey populations in check. After the extinction of the Javan tiger, deer populations increased rapidly.