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Q: Positive effects of green revolution
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well some effects of the scientific revolution was a unicorn c;

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industrial revolution its true

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Set slaves free if you are not positive don't go for this I'm not sure

Did the industrial revolution have more positive or negative effects?

Lets use newtons 3rd law(every thing has an equal and oppsite reaction) on this one.Id say it had an equal amount of positive and negtive effects.

What effect did the Iranian revolution have on the region?

think about other revolutions which happened or may happen in other parts of worlds especially arabian revolution, we can see the signs of the positive effects of iranian revolution,

What are the effects of Philippine revolution?

The effects of the Philippine Revolution include gaining independence from Spanish colonial rule, the establishment of the First Philippine Republic, the development of a sense of national identity among Filipinos, and the beginning of struggles for self-determination and sovereignty.

What were the positive and negative effects of the American revolution?

Positive The positive is that NewYork got independence and freedom Negative People died ,money loss ,food loss,home loss,unpeacefull times, and families get separated.

What are merit and demerits of green revolution?

green revolution

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what is the positive and nagetive effects

What were the long term effects of the inventions during the the Industrial Revolution?

Positive effects of the Industrial Revolution include the fact of the invention of the telephone by Alexander graham bell in 1876, which was his life's work and created an efficient method of transmitted speech and the harmonic and multiple telegraphs.