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HCG levels begin building around 8 days past ovulation. For accurate results, it is best to wait until the day after you have missed your period.

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Q: Possible implantation bleeding 7 days ago for 2 days Preg test was neg today would that be accurate or does it take longer for hcg levels to show?
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Can a pregnancy test be taken during implantation bleeding and if so how accurate should the results be?

I think a home pregnancy test taken during implantation bleeding would be a little too early to take. wait another day or two and then take it. But it might be OK to take it then. Depends on the test and the woman's hormones. My personal experience is that you can take a HPT during the first implantation bleeding and see a positive result that has inevitably turned out to be accurate. However, Just because it is negative doesn't mean that the test is acurate because all woman are different and sometime a woman's hormone levels take longer to kick in.

Positive result of pregnancy before or after implantation bleeding?

You're more likely to get a positive test result after implantation bleeding, because the pregnancy hormones go up and up each day during the first trimester, and the higher the levels of the hormone, the more reliable the test will be

Will a pregnancy test work when you implanation bleeding?

Taking a test during implantation bleeding would not give you an accurate result, your embryo doesn't start producing HCG (pregnancy hormone) until it is implanted fully, then it takes a few days to get into your urine, that is what the pregnancy test is looking for. I'd wait 3-4 days. Sometimes it takes up to 2 weeks after implantation to get a BFP. Some women don't produce HCG as fast as others.

How can you differentiate between ovulation bleeding and implantation bleeding?

Yes. This happened to me. I thought I was having a lighter, longer period which lasted a whole week. I didn't find out until my period was due the following month that I was pregnant. I thought I was four weeks pregnant. Several weeks later during an ultrasound I was informed that I was four weeks further along than I had thought. I had mistaken the implantation bleeding for my period! No where in any of my research did I see anything about implantation bleeding lasting that long. Most of the information I found said it lasts hours or possibly a day and only 1/4 of women experience implantation bleeding.

Can you find out if you are pregnant 1 day after implantation?

No, the hCG levels are unlikely to be high enough to detect one day after implantation. What makes you think you know when implantation happened?

Is spotting on the day of your period a sign of pregnancy?

A very slight spot of bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterine lining. Implantation bleeding usually occurs about 10 to 14 days after conception. It could be mistaken for menstruation itself but for the fact that the bleeding is very slight, and slight brown or spotty in appearance. This is the time when you cannot test for hormone levels in the blood because it is still too soon to tell for sure if you are pregnant.

If you're 17 days late and got some very light bright red bleeding for three days and the doctor said your hcg level was 0 could this be implantation bleeding and just not enough hcg yet?

I'm sorry to say that this is more than likely a chemical pregnancy. hCG levels can drop rapidly during a miscarriage.

You have been pregnant for 4 weeks had blackish minimal bleeding from 2 days ago lasted for 1 hour now having closed cervix and dry and there is no bleeding at all what is the blackish bleeding?

This sounds a lot like implantation bleeding. While an EPT has detected hcg levels in your urine, indicating pregnancy, it usually takes between 6-14 days for the embryo to implant in your uterus. For many women, they mistake it for their period/ miscarriage (if you already know you are pregnant). I have had 2 miscarriages and the bleeding was heavy, bright red and accompanied by clots and cramps. I am pregnant again (8 weeks) and this time I had implantation bleeding right around my period time (approx 4 weeks). It was dark and minimal, lasting only about 30 mins. I just had my first fetal ultrasound and I have a healthy baby with a heartbeat! So don't worry too much. The only thing you can do at this point is wait it out, perhaps take another EPT in a few days or get your hcg levels taken by your doctor, and hope for the best.

If you think you are about two weeks pregnant and had a once off heavy bleeding and the pregnancy test showsis positive does that mean you had a miscarriage?

It is possible, but the bleeding could also have been from implantation bleeding. A pregnancy test will show positive for a while after a miscarriage because your body has not rid itself of the HCG (pregnancy hormone) levels yet. The further along you were, the longer a pregnancy test will show positive. I would still be on the lookout for any symptoms of pregnancy, continue taking your prenatal vitamins (or at least folic acid), refrain from alcohol and tobacco and caffeine then in a couple weeks take another test and see. Or you can go to the doctor to either confirm pregnancy or miscarriage.

What is the cause of bleeding?

The bleeding during menstruation is called as withdrawal bleeding. There is no pregnancy and nature wants to shed away the lining epithelium. The oestrogen and progesterone levels hormone level drops dawn and that results into menstruation bleeding.

What is the cause of the menstrual bleeding?

The bleeding during menstruation is called as withdrawal bleeding. There is no pregnancy and nature wants to shed away the lining epithelium. The oestrogen and progesterone levels hormone level drops dawn and that results into menstruation bleeding.

Why is monitoring blood glucose levels more accurate that monitoring glucose levels in the urine?

The liver and pancreas release glucose right into the blood, therefore you will get a more accurate amount if you test your blood.