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Postwar problems of the republic

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What importance did The Yalta Conference have?

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What has the author Takafusa Nakamura written?

Takafusa Nakamura has written: 'Japanese economic development from 1945 to the present' 'Lectures on modern Japanese economic history, 1926-1994' 'The postwar Japanese economy'

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Toshihiro Tsuganezawa has written: 'Postwar trends of studies in Japanese popular arts'

What problems led to a weak postwar economy?

the united states was unsure of the requirementd of its new status.

Who was the American leader who presided over postwar japan?

MacArthur helped shape the postwar economy of Japan. The Japanese even named their constitution the MacArthur Constitution. He helped lead Japan into a democratic government and helped restabilize the economy.

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Why did a number of nations join to form NATO in 1949?

To solve postwar problems as an agency of the United Nations. -JenniferMichelle Kinsel (:

Use postwar in a sentence?

The army had a postwar celebration.

Postwar in a sentence?

During the postwar period, there was little food.

Why was the 38th parallel chosen as a dividing line?

For purposes of accepting the Japanese surrender and providing postwar security in Korea and to temporarily divide Korea into northern and sourthern parts.

A sentence using postwar?

During the postwar era, it did not see the end of imperialism.