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The thing about relationships as adolescents is that things change so frequently and so dramatically that the possibilities of a lasting relationship are very, VERY slim. I'm a middle-aged woman and I've met thousands of people in my life and I only know of one couple who began their relationship as adolescents and are still together. That's thousands, if not millions to one. Consequences of being intimate for girls: Pregnancy, STDs (more and more common everyday), reputation for being loose and easy, being used and then dumped, opens you to rape and disassociation with your friends to name a few. Consequences for being intimate for guys: Becoming a father and being forced to support your child or prosecuted for failing to do so, STDs, reputation for being a jerk and Jail for statuatory rape to name a few, oh and a beating if her dad or older brother finds out. You have 18 years to be a kid and enjoy yourself with little responsibility. You have 60+ to be an adult and pay for the consequences of relationships. No one every says thank God I don't have to be a kid again! Develop a relationship, that's good! But don't waste your time, efforts or risk the consequences on intimacy when you're an adolescent. It's just not worth it. I did and I had to grow up way to early and I missed out on a lot because of it.

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