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The principal cells in the distal convoluted tubule.

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Q: Premeability to water is regulated by ADH in this structure?
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What internal body structure maintains the water level?

Kidneys (regulated by the pituitary gland released neurotransmitter ADH)

How is the production of ADH regulated?

regulated by the osmolality of the circulating blood. Osmolality refers to the concentration of dissolved chemicals (such as sodium, potassium, and chloride; together called solute) circulating in the fluid base of the blood

How do kidneys water balance?

The kidneys can either re-absorb water back into the body or excrete more water outside of the body. This is regulated by hormones such as ADH and aldosterone.

How is anti diuretic hormone secretion regulated?

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is regulated by the pituitary gland. The anitidiuretic hormone maintains blood pressure and controls incoming water through the kidneys

How does oxytocin cause water intoxication?

Oxytocin and another hormone, ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) are very similar in structure. If there is too much oxytocin present in the blood it can begin to act like ADH. The job of ADH is to induce the kidneys to produce less urine and help the body retain more fluid. So too much ADH activity leads to volume overload, also known as water intoxication.

The thick segments in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle contain A ADH-regulated permeability. B an aldosterone-regulated pump. C transport mechanisms that pump solutes out of the filtra?


How does ADH help regulate hypotension?

because the ADH causes reabsortion of water by the kidneys

What suppresses adh production?

Low concentration of water in body fluids suppresses ADH.

What hormone stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb more water?

ADH- when the body is dehydrated, ADH helps reduce more water loss

What is the role of ADH in the body's water balance?

ADH causes the body (kidney) to conserve water and produce more concentrated urine

What is the role of ADH in the body’s water balance?

ADH causes the body (kidney) to conserve water and produce more concentrated urine

Why is it important that people release more ADH when they sweat?

Because ADH controls blood water level by triggering the uptake of water in kidneys.