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Q: President Franklin Roosevelt said that December 7 1941 would live in infamy because on that day?
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Which President was unable to walk because Polio?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

What led Franklin Roosevelt running for president?

Because he wanted to follow his cousin lead as president.

Did the south seceded because Franklin d roosevelt was elected president?


Did people like Franklin Roosevelt while he was president?

probaly not because he did get shot

How did Franklin D. Roosevelt become president?

He became president because he wanted to stop the wold war 2 he had no chance but to become president and do it himself

Which president seved more than two terms?

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt because of World War II

When was Franklin's cousin president?

Franklin's distant cousin and namesake, Theodore Roosevelt. was president from 1901 when he became president because of the death of President McKinley until March 4, 1909. (Franklin's wife, also a namesake, was the niece of Theodore.)

Why was Franklin D. Roosevelt called Franklin D. Roosevelt?

because franklin liked food

What made Franklin D. Roosevelt famous?

Franklin D Roosevelt was famous because he was the president of the United States from 1933 - 1945.

Why did president Franklin roosevelt follow a theory of pump-priming to combat the great depression?

Because he was a socialist.

Why did we like President Franklin D. Roosevelt?

There were many reasons why people liked President Franklin D. Roosevelt. One reason was because he helped to lower the unemployment rate in the country. He also enacted the G.I. Bill which helped those in the military.

What US President was a cousin of Franklin D Roosevelt?

Theodore Roosevelt because someone misunderstand that FDR was a COUSIN of Theodore, Theodore WASN'T a father of FDR!