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This is a difficult one! If you have done a low calorie diet, the chances are you have reduced the effectiveness of your metabolism. (Low Calorie Diets are BAD) In order to ensure that you don't gain the weight back, you must start to exercise effectively. Take a 30 min fast walk every day for 5 days and then rest for 2 days. This will ensure that your muscles are working and improving your metabolism. You will need to do this for 3 months minimum or you will just return to the way you were. When you are exercising though, just remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you start to see a bit of weight gain, its probably just your muscles getting stronger so don't panic! Im not sure if you are female or male. If you are female and you are afraid of getting huge muscles- don't worry- this does not happen in women- you don't have enough testosterone (male hormone) in your body for this to happen. Those large muscly women you see on TV and in competitions are mostly taking steroids. You can do it, and after a short time you will feel so good about exercising in this way that you wont want to stop! Enjoy your walk and your surroundings!

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Q: Prevent weight gain after a very low calorie diet?
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Sometimes Yes, sometimes No. Depends how your exercise regime is, and how many calories you cut from your regular diet while you were on the calorie diet.

Can a healthy diet prevent weight gain?

Well, it depends on what you meant by (healthy diet). If you meant healthy food and an appropriate number of calories for your current weight and length, then the answer is YES. You can't keep your weight constant if you're not watching your calorie intake even if you are eating healthy food.

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This diet proposed that if you eat foods that are not calorie dense then you can eat as much as you want until you are full and still lose weight. If you eat calorie dense foods until you feel full you are ingesting many more calories and therefore gain weight.

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In moderation, they can. If you eat a ton of them and it ends up going over your calorie intake, then no, you'll most likely gain. But eating them as part of a reduced-calorie diet is good way to lose weight.

Is a 500 calorie diet really safe?

No a 500 calories diet is not that really that safe as most doctor's say that a person needs at least 1200 calories a day. And after you go off this diet you will over eat and gain the weight back and more weight.

For healthy weight gain, what are some high calorie but healthy foods?

There are quite a few high calorie healthy foods that you can eat to help to gain healthy weight, many nuts and grains are high in calorie count, but full of protein, also I would suggest discussing your plan with a nutrtionist and they would assist in developing an individual diet plan solely for you.

Is weight gain always due to eating too much fat?

No, not at all. Weight is gained simply if your calorie intake is more than the amount your body uses. You can gain weight from a normal diet, due to not exercising (average intake but insufficient use). Or of course, you will also gain weight if your calorie intake is too high, such as eating too many fats or sugars. Lastly you could gain wait for medical reasons. Tumours, water retention and pregnancy.

How can you gain weight in one month in healthy way at home?

You can Gain Weight through proper diet and exercise everyday. Proper diet plays an important role in gaining weight. please check the below link for information about proper weight gain diet.

If you are on a proper diet and do daily exercise and have low calorie intake why will you gain weight?

Different people have different metabolisms- Some people will gain / lose weight faster than others.. If you are patient you should see a change soon- even if slow.

How can you gain weight if your a girl tall and skinny?

The easiest ways to gain weight are to adjust one's diet and build muscle density. However, the right diet can vary, and some people potentially have disorders that prevent them from gaining weight. Consult a doctor or dietician if you're having trouble gaining or losing weight.

Can a nose piercing cause weight gain?

No. The cause of weight gain is an excess in calorie intake compared with energy expenditure.