

Prevention of anemia

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11y ago

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by having lots of iron you need

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Q: Prevention of anemia
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Related questions

What type of anemia is prevented by vitamin e?

The prevention of vitamin E deficiency should not be a concern for most people, since the vitamin is found in a wide variety of foods. Attention has been given to the theory that vitamin E serves to protect against cancer and atherosclerosis.

What are all the types of anemia in livestock?

There are 3 types of Livestock anemia. Infectious anemia, Nutrition anemia, and bovine anemia. Bovine anemia is found mostly in cows.

Which anemia is also called hypochromic anemia?

Iron-deficiency anemia

What anemia can be diagnosis by gastric analysis?

Pernicious Anemia

What is it called when you lack iron?

An anemia caused by vitamin B12 is pernicious anemia while deficient in iron is iron defeciency anemia.

What is hemorragia anemia?

Anemia is reduced hemoglobin in blood. One cause of anemia is blood loss. Bleeding is called hemorrhagia. Anemia caused by blood loss is hemorrhagic anemia.

Which form of anemia is a genetic disorder?

It sounds like you are looking for Sickle Cell Anemia.

Deficiency in erythrocytes or hemoglobin?


What is anemia in afrikaans?

Fanconi anemia (FA)English word Anemia Afrikaans language anemie

How can hemolytic-uremic syndrome be prevented?

Hemolytic anemia due to inherited disorders can not be prevented. Acquired hemolytic anemia may be prevented if the underlying disorder is managed properly.

What is plastic anemia?

Its not plastic anemia , its aplastic anemia, defect in the bone marrow to form blood cells.

Can a deficiency of magnesium lead to anemia?

A deficiency of copper can lead to anemia.