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Prey- (what it eats) bugs, grub, crickets, mealworms, beetles.

Predator- Snakes, People, Dogs, Cats, anything with the curiosity of picking at it, but they are very hidden.

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Q: Prey and predator of the anole lizards?
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What are facts about Anole Lizards?

Anole lizards eat crickets and worms.

Is a snake a predator and a prey?

The prey of the snakes could be lizards and frogs and the predator could be some birds like the owl, parrot, hawk, etc.

What is they prey and predator of a snake?

The prey of the snakes could be lizards and frogs and the predator could be some birds like the owl, parrot, hawk, etc.

What do flying lizards eat?

the snake(predator)and insects such as ants and termites(prey)

Are anole lizards poisonous to dogs?


How is the greater roadrunner both a predator and prey?

It's both a predator and a prey because it has alot of energy

What do green anole lizards do when they are preganet?

Female anole lizards most of the time.... well.. I don't know. I just got my 2 anole lizards today and they both are females, though I can not tell if I have one that is pregnant... I will find out and hopefully and respond ASAP! :)

How much does an anoles cost at petsmart?

Bahaman anole lizards cost $4.00 at petsmart, and Green anole lizards cost $4.00 at petsmart, too. Helps?

How long do anole lizards get?

Maybye 10 inches?

Are anole lizards poisonous if eaten by pets or humans?


What lizards don't eat rodents?

Umm. I know that Anole lizards don't eat rodents.

What are predator prey relationship?

Example: Lion = Predator Gazelle = Prey The predator seeks after the prey.