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level one electron contain more energy

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Q: Principal energy level 1 of an atom contains an electron with the lowest energy why?
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Which principal energy level will contain electrons with the lowest energy is what?

First energy level bc as the electron falls from high to low it emitts energy

What is the lowest atomic number element that contains a p electron?

Boron. It's electron configuration is 1s22s22p1.

What is the number of the lowest energy level that contains an f sublevel?

The 4th energy level is the lowest that contains and f sub-level

What best describes how electrons fill orbitals in the Periodic Table?

Answer: Aufbau Principal Aufbau Principal: fills from the lowest energy to the highest energy level

Which is the lowest energy level that contains d orbitals?

The lowest energy level that has F orbitals is the fourth energy level. The Atomic orbital of any atom only contains 2 electrons.

Where is the shell that has the lowest energy level?

This electron shell is near the atomic nucleus.

What is the lowest first ionization energy?

It is the energy required to remove the 1st electron from the atom

In an atom an electron that is close to the nucleus is on the highest enegry level?

No. The greater distance from the nucleus the more energy an electron has.

The lowest possible energy position for an electron is known as the ground state?


What is the lowest possible energy of an electron called?

Ground state.

What is a ground state?

the lowest energy level occupied by an electron when an atom is in its most stable energy state

Does an electron in the first energy shell have greater potential energy than an electron in the third energy shell?

electrons in the first electron shell have the lowest possible potential energy because YOUR MOM DROPPED U ON YOUR HEAD WHEN U WERE A BABY