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Sister chromatids

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sister chromatids

by assim jalil

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Q: Prior to cell division each chromosome replicates it genetic material The products are connected by a centromere and are called?
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Two chromatids of a chromosome are attached at a point called?

The two chromatids of a chromosome are attached at a point called the centromere. It is the point which it is attached to a spindle fiber during the process of cell division.

What are the sister chromatids in a chromosome attached by?

Sister chromatids in a chromosome are attached by a structure called the centromere. The centromere is a region where the two sister chromatids are held together until they separate during cell division.

Is a centromere an organized display of an organism's chromosomes?

No, the centromere is not an organized display of an organism's chromosomes. A centromere is the point of the chromosome where it is attached to a spindle during cell division.

How are DNA centromere chromosome and cromatid related?

They are letated because they are in the same process of cell division.

What is a disk protein at the centromere region of the chromatid that serves as a platform for assembling microtubules?

The protein that fits this description is called CENP-C. It acts as a central structural component in the kinetochore, facilitating the attachment of microtubules to the centromere region of the chromatid during cell division.

What is telocentric chromosome?

A telocentric chromosome is a type of chromosome with the centromere located at one end, resulting in a single chromosomal arm. This structure is commonly found in certain species and can affect the genetic behavior during cell division and meiosis.

What is the area of a chromosome pair that attatches to a fiber stretching across the cell during cell division?


What phase do centromeres break?

Centromere splitting is something that happens to the Chromosomes during the M Phase (Mitosis) of cell division. During Anaphase (a phase in the M Phase), the centrioles that have sent out spindle fibers and are at opposite poles just tug at the centromere of the Chromosome, causing the centromere to split. Anaphase is basically centromere splitting, where the spindle fibers from the centrioles split the chromosome in half at the centromere.

How many centromere is in chromosome?

Chromosomes typically have one centromere, which is a specialized region that holds the sister chromatids together during cell division. The centromere plays a crucial role in ensuring proper segregation of genetic material.

How do you use chromatid in a sentence?

During cell division, each chromosome consists of two identical sister chromatids joined at the centromere.

Cellular structure to which the chromosomes attach?

Centromere. It is a region on a chromosome where the kinetochore forms, allowing for attachment to spindle fibers during cell division, ensuring proper segregation of chromosomes.

What will happen to chromosomes that has two centromere?

centromere is place at which spindle fibers are attached if the centromere is lost then chromosome will lose its point for the attachement of the spindle fiber and then will not be able to take part in mitosis. chromosome is usually lost in this case.