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Yepp. You get locked up for that.

I cant tell you how long though, because it depends on how much weed you get caught with, you knoww. ~samantha. (:

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Q: Prison for weed
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Where can you find weed in Perth?

In the inside of a prison cell.

Why is Lil Wayne is prison?

because he smoke too much weed and failed his drug test

How much does half a ounce of weed coast?

In Washington: $10 In california: $20 In prison: 2 cigarettes and a shoe

Is it a crime to marry a weed whacker?

No! I am concerned that you may not be fully informed as to the weed whacker intentions. Being as this is an unknown and corrupt process. I suggest the prison gallery for serveral years in the London Dungions while we look into this.

How Many Year Does Lil Wayne Have In Prison?

IF YOU MEAN FOR EMITTING he couldn't live with out weed on live tv, 1 year, i think

What would happen to a 14 year old who gave someone weed?

Caution maybe. Possibly a fine. If its a repeated offence, you can get sent to prison.

What happens if you're caught with less then one ounce of weed in ct?

If it's a "usable amount" you can get up to 1 year in prison and/or $1000 fine.

if i'm on probation and go to jail for weed what can they do to me ?

get a lawyer.depending on your city and state they can fine you and you could do some long jail or prison time for violating your probation

Does illegal possession of weed give money to the government?

If by fines for a conviction of the charge, yes, a few hundred dollars for the first couple of times. After that, prison happens instead.

Where to find weed in los cabos?

Highly unadvisable unless you wish to risk spending the rest of your life in a Mexican prison. And no, you will not be deported back to your national country for a drug crime.

Can homegrown weed be in your urine?

Weed is weed. If you smoke homegrown weed you will come up positive for weed.

Why is lil'wayne in jail?

Lil Wayne is going to prison because his tour bus was searched after a concert in New York. A un-registered gun and 8 ounces of weed were found. The weed was not Lil Wayne's, in fact it was his manager, Cortez Bryant's.[: