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Relieve an airway obstruction on a pregnant patient by place pt on side putting pillow under right abdominal flank and hip to displace the uterus to the left side an abdomen

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Q: Procedure fo relieving the airway obstruction on a 8month pregnant woman?
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How old do you have to be till you have a baby?

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I would say its pretty good. 8month hard training with tidenosen H and other supplements netted me to 320 bench while weighing only 180lbs.

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i have done that. and i am only 16 with a 8month 1day old son. his father wanted to see him and i did not think it was safe so i told him no. so yes a mother can deny the father access to the child.

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When it comes down to it, your parents and his parents have nothing to do with your relationship with him, right? Your choices are up to you, not them. I think that you should ignore their negativity. Hard to say, though; I'm not the one dealing with it. It must be stressful...

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if there is not any custody papers or visitation agreement paperwork filled out with the court both parents are equal and the parent that files first has the upper hand in most cases that i know of.

What do 8month old pit bull puppies mlike to eat?

they like to eat little dog food, it should say what type the food is for like cats ones. they have a little thingy on it saying *puppies* or *adult*...but if they don't have that on it i would ask one of the people that work at the shop.

Is it safe to breed your 8month old oston terrier after her first heat?

I would not advise breeding from a Dog until she has had at least two seasons, though the ideal age for breeding is three years old. At 8 months old, your Dog is still very much a puppy and as such is still growing. If your Dog was to become pregnant before she had finished growing, all of her vital nutrients for growth would go to her unborn puppies instead, meaning that her growth may be stunted. There is also an increased risk of complications if the Dog is allowed to breed too young.

Why do dogs eat their own pooh 8month old lab?

It is for one of two reasons. 1: They are board. 2: They are missing some of the nutrients that they need to live. If that is the case, you should give it a piece (or two) of a banana every (or every second) day. Hope this helps. ~@~ =P