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ride and drysdale concocted a clever means of assaying chitin in biological samples. Chitin is de-acylated with conc. KOH at high temperatures, precipitated with diatomaceous earth and 75% EtOH, then depolymerized with nitrous acid. After neutralizing the nitrous acid with ammonium sulfamate, the 2,5- anhydromannose can be assayed with MBTH and Iron ion.

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To assay chitin biochemically, the general procedure involves extracting chitin from the sample using appropriate methods, such as acid or enzyme hydrolysis. The amount of chitin can be quantified using methods like colorimetric assays based on reactions with specific reagents or by measuring the release of specific chitin breakdown products. To validate the results, it is recommended to compare them with standards of known chitin concentrations.

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Q: Procedure for the biochemical assay of chitin?
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How do you explain about assay?

An assay is a test or analysis used to determine the presence, quantity, or quality of a substance or compound. It is commonly used in scientific research, laboratory testing, and medical diagnoses to measure various parameters such as concentrations, purity, or biological activity of a sample. Assays can involve a range of techniques such as biochemical, immunochemical, or molecular methods depending on the specific substance being analyzed.

Is chitin a homo-polymer?

Chitin does not contain polymers, but is, rather, a polymer itself. Chitin is a polysaccharide. So, it is a polymer of saccharide subunits. In this case, chitin has many N-acetyl-D-glucosamine subunits.

What is 1 element which is present in a phospholipid and not present in chitin?

Choline is an element present in phospholipids but not in chitin.

What is made of chitin?

Chitin is a polysaccharide (polymer) of N-acetylglucosamine, which is a derivative of glucose. It's chemical formula is: (C8H13O5N)n ...where "n" is the monomer length of the polymer. Chitin is similar to the polymer cellulose in terms of function in biological organisms (primarily as a structural polymer), but has a completely different chemical structure.

What uses chitin to move?

Insects use chitin for movement. Chitin is a tough, flexible substance that makes up the exoskeleton of insects, providing support and protection for their bodies. Muscles attached to the inner surface of the exoskeleton allow insects to move by contracting and relaxing.

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It's method of determining the inorganic phosphate content in urine or blood, etc. It is a colorimetric assay.

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This procedure, however, cannot detect biochemical or chromosomal alterations in the fetus.

What is the name of the polysaccharide that is found in the cell walls of fungi and the exoskeletons of arthropods?

Chitin is the polysaccharide found in the cell walls of fungi and the exoskeletons of arthropods.

What is an assay?

An assay is a scientific test or analysis used to measure the presence, amount, or activity of a substance or compound in a sample. Assays are commonly used in biology, chemistry, and medicine to study a wide range of biological and chemical processes.

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The exoskeleton of an arthropod is?

composed of chitin

Do fish scales contain chitin?


What would be a simple effective assay procedure to positively and unambiguously identify glutamate?

haha sounds like you go to Cardiff uni bioscience lol same prob