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cultural assimilation

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Q: Process by which people of one culture merge into and become part of another culture?
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Related questions

Can you define process by which people of one culture become part of another?

'assimilation' is the process of becoming part of another culture.

How did the Olmec people die?

It is unlikely that all the Olmec people died. Their culture disintegrated and disappeared. The people who survived the process likely merged into another culture.

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Culture is what makes a people. And over time this culture has become part of the people.

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the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group. (

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Culture shock is a process people undergo when living in a new culture. Culture Clash is a conflict arising from the interaction of people with different values

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What does assimilation include?

It is a process in which people who have come to live in another country, adopt the language, culture, habits and values and nationality - and sometimes also the religion - of that country's native inhabitants.

People tend that they're involved in the process of teaching or learning culture?

Cultural transmission refers to the process by which individuals pass on beliefs, behaviors, and values from one generation to the next. This can happen through various means such as storytelling, rituals, and observation. It is a fundamental aspect of human societies and shapes our identities and relationships.

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culture region

What are some of the negative views that people have when they encounter other country's culture?

When we are raised in our own culture, wherever that may be, we become a part of that culture's beliefs and customs. Since we usually love our parents, grandparents and friends we grow up with, we tend to believe that our culture is the best, or the most important, or the most influential. We get used to that culture. Upon encountering another culture, especially if that culture is very different from ours, we tend to make judgments of that culture, both positive and negative. Some of those negative views may be prejudices against the prevailing religion, or the way those people dress. People may react negatively to that culture's government or lack of. This has become an ongoing worldwide problem that keeps people from really knowing each other.

What does it mean to assimilations?

Assimilation means when someone of a different nationality, country, culture or background 'blends in' with people of another ethnic group. A good example is as if you moved to Another Country and took in their way of living. There are other meanings, too, but this is the most common.

What are the bad effects of western culture on Indian culture?

because of western culture people are forgetting their own culture, people have forgot worshiping their God, hve become cruel and lazy,for example,early rising to late rising